May and June 2015 Server StorageIO Update Newsletter

Volume 15, Issue V & VI

Hello and welcome to this joint May and June 2015 Server StorageIO update newsletter. Here in the northern hemisphere its summer which means holiday vacations among other things.

There has been a lot going on this spring and so far this summer with more in the wings. Summer can also be a time to get caught up on some things, preparing for others while hopefully being able to enjoy some time off as well.

In terms of what have I been working on (or with)? Clouds (OpenStack, vCloud Air, AWS, Azure, GCS among others), virtual and containers, flash SSD devices (drives, cards), software defining, content servers, NVMe, databases, data protection items, servers, cache and micro-tiering among other things.

Speaking of getting caught up, back in early May among many other conferences (Cisco, Docker, HP, IBM, OpenStack, Red Hat and many other events) was EMCworld. EMC covered my hotel and registration costs to attend the event in Las Vegas (thanks EMC, that’s a disclosure btw ;). View a summary StorageIOblog post covering EMCworld 2015 here along with recent EMC announcements including Acquisition of cloud services vendor Virtustream for $1.2B, and ECS 2.0.

Server and Storage I/O Wrappings

This months newsletter has a focus on software and storage wrappings, that is, how your storage or software is packaged, delivered or deployed. For example traditional physical storage systems, software defined storage as shrink-wrap or download, tin-wrapped software as an appliance, virtual wrapped such as a virtual storage appliance or cloud wrapped among others.

OpenStack software defined cloud

OpenStack (both the organization, community, event and software) continue to gain momentum. The latest release known as Kilo (more Kilo info here) was released in early April followed by the OpenStack summit in May.

Some of you might be more involved with OpenStack vs. others, perhaps having already deployed into your production environment. Perhaps you, like myself have OpenStack running in a lab for proof of concept, research, development or learning among other things.

You might even be using the services of a public cloud or managed service provider that is powered by OpenStack. On the other hand, you might be familiar with OpenStack from reading up on it, watching videos, listening to podcast’s or attending events to figure out what it is, where it fits, as well as what can your organization use it for.

Drew Robb (@Robbdrew) has a good overview piece about OpenStack and storage over at Enterprise Storage Forum (here). OpenStack is a collection of tools or bundles for building private, hybrid and public clouds. These various open source projects within the OpenStack umbrella include compute (Nova) and virtual machine images (Glance). Other components include dashboard management (Horizon), security and identity control (Keystone), network (Neutron), object storage (Swift), block storage (Cinder) and file-based storage (Manila) among others.

It’s up to the user to decide which pieces you will add. For example, you can use Swift without having virtual machines and vice versa. Read Drew’s complete article here.

Btw, if you missed it, not only has OpenStack added file support (e.g. Manila), Amazon Web Services (AWS) also recently added Elastic File Services (EFS) complementing there Elastic Block Services (EBS).

Focus on Storage Wrappings

Software exists and gets deployed in various places as shown in the following examples.

software wrapped storage

  • Cloud wrapped software – software that can be deployed in a cloud instance.
  • Container wrapped software – software deployed in a docker or other container
  • Firmware wrapped software – software that gets packaged and deployed as firmware in a server, storage, network device or adapter
  • Shrink wrapped software – software that can be downloaded and deployed where you want
  • Tin wrapped software – software that is packaged or bundled with hardware (e.g. tin) such as an appliance or storage system
  • Virtual wrapped software

server storage software wrapping

StorageIOblog posts

Data Protection Diaries

Modernizing Data Protection
Using new and old things in new ways

This is part of an ongoing series of posts that part of on data protection including archiving, backup/restore, business continuance (BC), business resiliency (BC), data footprint reduction (DFR), disaster recovery (DR), High Availability (HA) along with related themes, tools, technologies, techniques, trends and strategies.
world backup day (and test your restore) image licensed from Shutterstock by StorageIO

Data protection is a broad topic that spans from logical and physical security to HA, BC, BR, DR, archiving(including life beyond compliance) along with various tools, technologies, techniques. Key is aligning those to the needs of the business or organization for today’s as well as tomorrows requirements. Instead of doing things what has been done in the past that may have been based on what was known or possible due to technology capabilities, why not start using new and old things in new ways.

Let’s start using all the tools in the data protection toolbox regardless of if they are new or old, cloud, virtual, physical, software defined product or service in new ways while keeping the requirements of the business in focus. Read more from this post here.

In case you missed it:

View other recent as well as past blog posts here

In This Issue

  • Industry Trends Perspectives News
  • Commentary in the news
  • Tips and Articles
  • StorageIOblog posts
  • Events and Webinars
  • Recommended Reading List
  • StorageIOblog posts
  • Server StorageIO Lab reports
  • Resources and Links
  • Industry News and Activity

    Recent Industry news and activity

    AWS adds new M4 virtual machine instances
    Cisco provides FCoE proof of life

    Google new cloud storage pricing
    HP announces new data center services
    HDS announces new products & services
    IBM enhances storage portfolio

    IBTA announces RoCE initiative
    InfiniteIO announces network/cloud cache
    Intel buying FPGA specialist Altera
    NetApp – Changes CEO

    View other recent and upcoming events here

    StorageIO Commentary in the news

    StorageIO news (image licensed for use from Shutterstock by StorageIO)
    Recent Server StorageIO commentary and industry trends perspectives about news, activities and announcements.

    BizTechMagazine: Comments on how to simplify your data center with virtualization
    EnterpriseStorageForum: Comments on Open Stack and Clouds
    EnterpriseStorageForum: Comments on Top Ten Software Defined Storage Tips, Gotchas and Cautions
    EdTech: Comments on Harness Power with New Processors

    Processor: Comments on Protecting Your Servers & Networking equipment
    EdTech: Comments on Harness Power with New Processors

    Processor: Comments on Improve Remote Server Management including KVM
    CyberTrend: Comments on Software Defined Data Center and virtualization
    BizTechMagazine: Businesses Prepare as End-of-Life for Windows Server 2003 Nears
    InformationWeek: Top 10 sessions from Interop Las Vegas 2015
    CyberTrend: Comments on Software Defined Data Center and Virtualization

    View more trends comments here

    Vendors you may not heard of

    This is a new section starting in this issue where various new or existing vendors as well as service providers you may not have heard about will be listed.

    CloudHQ – Cloud management tools
    EMCcode Rex-Ray – Container management
    Enmotus FUZE – Flash leveraged micro tiering
    Rubrik – Data protection management
    Sureline – Data protection management
    Virtunet systems – VMware flash cache software
    InfiniteIO – Cloud and NAS cache appliance
    Servers Direct – Server and storage platforms

    Check out more vendors you may know, have heard of, or that are perhaps new on the Server StorageIO Industry Links page here. There are over 1,000 entries (and growing) vendors on the links page.

    StorageIO Tips and Articles

    So you have a new storage device or system. How will you test or find its performance? Check out this quick-read tip on storage benchmark and testing fundamentals over at BizTech.

    Check out these resources and links on server storage I/O performance and benchmarking tools. View more tips and articles here


    BrightTalk Webinar – June 23 2015 9AM PT
    Server Storage I/O Innovation v2.015: Protect Preserve & Serve Your Information

    Videos and Podcasts

    VMware vCloud Air Server StorageIO Lab Test Drive Ride along videos.

    Server StorageIO Lab vCloud test drive video part 1Server StorageIO Lab vCloud test drive video part 2
    VMware vCloud Air test drive videos Part I & II

    StorageIO podcasts are also available via and at

    Various Industry Events


    VMworld August 30-September 3 2015

    Flash Memory Summit August 11-13

    Interop – April 29 2015 Las Vegas (Voted one of top ten sessions at Interop, more here)
    Smart Shopping for Your Storage Strategy

    View other recent and upcoming events here


    BrightTalk Webinar – June 23 2015 9AM PT
    Server Storage I/O Innovation v2.015: Protect Preserve & Serve Your Information

    From StorageIO Labs

    Research, Reviews and Reports

    VMware vCloud Air Test Drive
    VMware vCloud Air
    local and distributed NAS (NFS, CIFS, DFS) file data. Read more here.

    VMware vCloud Air

    VMware vCloud Air provides a platform similar to those just mentioned among others for your applications and their underlying resource needs (compute, memory, storage, networking) to be fulfilled. In addition, it should not be a surprise that VMware vCloud Air shares many common themes, philosophies and user experiences with the traditional on-premises based VMware solutions you might be familiar with.

    View other StorageIO lab review reports here

    Resources and Links

    Check out these useful links and pages:

    Enjoy this edition of the Server StorageIO update newsletter and watch for new tips, articles, StorageIO lab report reviews, blog posts, videos and podcasts along with in the news commentary appearing soon.

    Cheers gs

    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    EMCworld 2015 How Do You Want Your Storage Wrapped?

    Server Storage I/O trends

    EMCworld 2015 How Do You Want Your Storage Wrapped?

    Back in early May I was invited by EMC to attend EMCworld 2015 which included both the public sessions, as well as several NDA based discussions. Keep in mind that there is the known, there is the unknown (or assumed or speculated) and in between there are NDA’s, nuff said on that. EMC covered my hotel and registration costs to attend the event in Las Vegas (thanks EMC, that’s a disclosure btw ;) and here is a synopsis of various EMCworld 2015 announcements.

    What EMC announced

    • VMAX3 enhancements to the EMC enterprise flagship storage platform to keep it relevant for traditional legacy workloads as well as for in a converged, scale-out, cloud, virtual and software defined environment.
    • VNX 3200 entry-level All Flash Array (AFA) flash SSD system starting at $25,000 USD for a 3TB unified platform with full data services found in other VNX products.
    • vVNX aka Virtual VNX aka "project liberty" which is a community (e.g. free) software version of the VNX. vVNX is a Virtual Storage Appliance (VSA) that you download and run on a VMware platform. Learn more and download here. Note the install will do a CPU type check so forget about trying to run it on a Intel Nuc or similar, I tried just because I could, the install will protect you from doing such things.
    • Various data protection related items including new Datadomain platforms as well as software updates and integration with other EMC platforms (storage systems).
    • All Flash Array (AFA) XtremIO 4.0 enhancements including larger clusters, larger nodes to boost performance, capacity and availability, along with copy service updates among others improvements.
    • Preview of DSSD shared (inside a rack) external flash Solid State Device (SSD) including more details. While much of DSSD is still under NDA, EMC did provide more public details at EMCworld. Between what was displayed and announced publicly at EMCworld as well as what can be found via Google (or other searches) you can piece together more of the DSSD story. What is known publicly today is that DSSD leverages the new Non-Volatile Memory express (NVMe) access protocol built upon underlying PCIe technology. More on DSSD in future discussions,if you have not done so, get an NDA deep dive briefing on it from EMC.
    • ScaleIO is now available via a free download here including both Windows and Linux clients as well as instructions for those operating systems as well as VMware.
    • ViPR can also be downloaded here for free (has been previously available) from here as well as it has been placed into open source by EMC.

    What EMC announced since EMCworld 2015

    • Acquisition of cloud services (and software tools) vendor Virtustream for $1.2B adding to the federation cloud services portfolio (companion to VMware vCloud Air).
    • Release of ECS 2.0 including a free download here. This new version of ECS (Elastic Cloud Storage) can be used independent of the ViPR controller, or in conjunction with ViPR. In addition ECS now has about 80% of the functionality of the Centera object storage platform. The remaining 20% functionality (mainly regulatory compliance governance) of Centera will be added to ECS in the future providing a migration path for Centera customers. In case you are wondering what does EMC do with Centera, Atmos, ViPR and now ECS, answer is that ECS can work with or without ViPR, second is that the functionality of Centera, Atmos are being rolled into ECS. ECS as a refresher is software that transforms general purpose industry standard servers with direct storage into a scale-out HDFS and object storage solution.
    • Check out EMCcode including S3motion that I use and have reviewed here. Also check out EMCcode Rex-Ray which if you are into docker containers, it should be of interest, I know I’m interested in it.

    Server Storage I/O trends

    What this all means and wrap-up

    There were no single major explosive announcements however the sum of all the announcements together should not be over shadowed by the big tent made for TV (or web) big tent productions and entertainment. What EMC announced was effectively how would you like, how do you want and need your storage and associated data services along with management wrapped.

    tin wrapped software

    By being wrapped, do you want your software defined storage management and storage wrapped in a legacy turnkey solution such as VMAX3, VNX or Isilon, do you want or need it to be hybrid or all flash, converged and unified, block, file or object.

    software wrapped storage

    Or do you need or want the software defined storage management and storage to be "shrink wrapped" as a download so you can deploy on your own hardware "tin wrapped" or as a VSA "virtual wrapped" or cloud wrapped? Do you need or want the software defined storage management and storage to leverage anybody’s hardware while being open source?

    server storage software wrapping

    How do you need or want your storage to be wrapped to fit your specific needs, that IMHO was the essence of what EMC announced at EMCworld 2015, granted the motorcycles and other production entertainment was engaging as well as educational.

    Ok, nuff said for now


    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    VMware vCloud Air Server StorageIOlab Test Drive with videos

    Server Storage I/O trends

    VMware vCloud Air Server StorageIOlab Test Drive with videos

    Recently I was invited by VMware vCloud Air to do a free hands-on test drive of their actual production environment. Some of you may already being using VMware vSphere, vRealize and other software defined data center (SDDC) aka Virtual Server Infrastructure (VSI) or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) tools among others. Likewise some of you may already be using one of the many cloud compute or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), Centurylink, Google Cloud, IBM Softlayer, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace or Virtustream (being bought by EMC) among many others.

    VMware vCloud Air provides a platform similar to those just mentioned among others for your applications and their underlying resource needs (compute, memory, storage, networking) to be fulfilled. In addition, it should not be a surprise that VMware vCloud Air shares many common themes, philosophies and user experiences with the traditional on-premises based VMware solutions you may be familiar with.

    VMware vCloud Air overview

    You can give VMware vCloud Air a trial for free while the offer lasts by clicking here (service details here). Basically if you click on the link and register a new account for using VMware vCloud Air they will give you up to $500 USD in service credits to use in the real production environment while the offer lasts which iirc is through end of June 2015.

    Server StorageIO test drive VMware vCloud Air video I
    Click on above image to view video part I

    Server StorageIO test drive VMware vCloud Air part II
    Click on above image to view video part II

    What this means is that you can go and setup some servers with as many CPUs or cores, memory, Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or flash Solid State Devices (SSD) storage, external IP networks using various operating systems (Centos, Ubuntu, Windows 2008, 20012, 20012 R2) for free, or until you use up the service credits.

    Speaking of which, let me give you a bit of a tip or hint, even though you can get free time, if you provision a fast server with lots of fast SSD storage and leave it sit idle over night or over a weekend, you will chew up your free credits rather fast. So the tip which should be common sense is if you are going to do some proof of concepts and then leave things alone for a while, power the virtual cloud servers off to stretch your credits further. On the other hand, if you have something that you want to run on a fast server with fast storage over a weekend or longer, give that a try, just pay attention to your resource usage and possible charges should you exhaust your service credits.

    My Server StorageIO test drive mission objective

    For my test drive, I created a new account by using the above link to get the service credits. Note that you can use your regular VMware account with vCloud Air, however you wont get the free service credits. So while it is a few minutes of extra work, the benefit was worth it vs. simply using my existing VMware account and racking up more cloud services charges on my credit card. As part of this Server StorageIOlab test drive, I created two companion videos part I here and part II here that you can view to follow along and get a better idea of how vCloud works.

    VMware vCloud Air overview
    Phase one, create the virtual data center, database server, client servers and first setup

    My goal was to set up a simple Virtual Data Center (VDC) that would consist of five Windows 2012 R2 servers, one would be a MySQL database server with the other four being client application servers. You can download MySQL from here at Oracle as well as via other sources. For applications to simplify things I used Hammerdb as well as Benchmark Factory that is part of the Quest Toad tool set for database admins. You can download a free trial copy of Benchmark Factory here, and HammerDB here. Another tool that I used for monitoring the servers is Spotlight on Windows (SoW) which is also free here. Speaking of tools, here is a link to various server and storage I/O performance as well as monitoring tools.

    Links to tools that I used for this test-drive included:

    Setting up a virtual data center vdc
    Phase one steps and activity summary

    Summary of phase one of vdc
    Recap of what was done in phase one, watch the associated video here.

    After the initial setup (e.g. part I video here), the next step was to add some more virtual machines and take a closer look at the environment. Note that most of the work in setting up this environment was Windows, MySQL, Hammerdb, Benchmark Factory, Spotlight on Windows along with other common tools so their installation is not a focus in these videos or this post, perhaps a future post will dig into those in more depth.

    Summary of phase two of the vdc
    What was done during phase II (view the video here)

    VMware vCloud Air vdc trest drive

    There is much more to VMware vCloud Air and on their main site there are many useful links including overviews, how-too tutorials, product and service offering details and much more here. Besides paying attention to your resource usage and avoid being surprised by service charges, two other tips I can pass along that are also mentioned in the videos (here and here) is to pay attention what region you setup your virtual data centers in, second is have your network thought out ahead of time to streamline setting up the NAT and firewall as well as gateway configurations.

    Where to learn more

    Learn more about data protection and related topics, themes, trends, tools and technologies via the following links:

    Server Storage I/O trends

    What this all means and wrap-up

    Overall I like the VMware vCloud Air service which if you are VMware centric focused will be a familiar cloud option including integration with vCloud Director and other tools you may already have in your environment. Even if you are not familiar with VMware vSphere and associated vRealize tools, the vCloud service is intuitive enough that you can be productive fairly quickly. On one hand vCloud Air does not have the extensive menu of service offerings to choose from such as with AWS, Google, Azure or others, however that also means a simpler menu of options to choose from and simplify things.

    I had wanted to spend some time actually using vCloud and the offer to use some free service credits in the production environment made it worth making the time to actually setup some workloads and do some testing. Even if you are not a VMware focused environment, I would recommend giving VMware vCloud Air a test drive to see what it can do for you, as opposed to what you can do for it…

    Ok, nuff said for now


    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    April 2015 Server StorageIO Update Newsletter

    Volume 15, Issue IV

    Hello and welcome to this April 2015 Server and StorageIO update newsletter.

    This months newsletter has a focus on cloud and object storage for bulk data, unstructured data, big data, archiving among other scenarios.

    Enjoy this edition of the Server and StorageIO update newsletter and watch for new tips, articles, StorageIO lab report reviews, blog posts, videos and Podcasts along with in the news commentary appearing soon.

    Storage I/O trends

    StorageIOblog posts

    April StorageIOblog posts include:

    View other recent as well as past blog posts here

    April Newsletter Feature Theme
    Cloud and Object Storage Fundamentals

    There are many facets to object storage including technology implementation, products, services, access and architectures for various applications and use scenarios. The following is a short synopsis of some basic terms and concepts associated with cloud and object storage.

    Common cloud and object storage terms

    • Account or project – Top of the hierarchy that represent owner or billing information for a service that where buckets are also attached.
    • Availability Zone (AZ) can be rack of servers and storage or data center where data is spread across for storage and durability.
    • AWS regions and availability zones (AZ)
      Example of some AWS Regions and AZ’s

    • Bucket or Container – Where objects or sub-folders containing objects are attached and accessed. Note in some environments such as AWS S3 you can have sub-folders in a bucket.
    • Connector or how your applications access the cloud or object storage such as via an API, S3, Swift, Rest, CDMI, Torrent, JSON, NAS file, block of other access gateway or software.
    • Durability – Data dispersed with copies in multiple locations to survive failure of storage or server hardware, software, zone or even region. Availability = Access + Durability.
    • End-point – Where or what your software, application or tool and utilities or gateways attach to for accessing buckets and objects.
    • Ephemeral – Temporary or non-persistent
    • Eventual consistency – Data is eventually made consistency, think in terms of asynchronous or deferred writes where there is a time lag vs. synchronous or real-time updates.
    • Immutable – Persistent, non-altered or write once read many copy of data. Objects generally are not updated, rather new objects created.
    • Object storage and cloud
      Via Cloud Virtual Data Storage (CRC)

    • Object – Byte (or bit) stream that can be as small as one byte to as large as several TBytes (some solutions and services support up to 5TByte sized objects). The object contains what ever data in any organization along with meta data. Different solutions and services support from a couple hundred KBytes of meta-data to MBytes worth of meta-data. In terms of what can be stored in an object, anything from files, videos, images, virtual disks (VMDK’s, VHDX), ZIP or tar files, backup and archive save sets, executable images or ISO’s, anything you want.
    • OPS – Objects per second or how many objects accessed similar to a IOP. Access includes gets, puts, list, head, deletes for a CRUD interface e.g. Created, Read, Update, Delete.
    • Region – Location where data is stored that can include one or more data centers also known as Availability Zones.
    • Sub-folder – While object storage can be accessed in a flat name space for commonality and organization some solutions and service support the notion of sub-folder that resemble traditional directory hierarchy.

    Learn more in Cloud Virtual Storage Networking (CRC) and

    Storage I/O trends

    OpenStack Manila (e.g. Folders and Files)

    AWS recently announced their new cloud based Elastic File Storage (EFS) to compliment their existing Elastic Block Storage (EBS) offerings. However are you aware of what is going on with cloud files within OpenStack?

    For those who are familiar with OpenStack or simply talk about it and Swift object storage, or perhaps Cinder block storage, are you aware that there is also a file (NAS or Network Attached Storage) component called Manila?

    In concept Manila should provide a similar capability to what AWS has recently announce with their Elastic File Service (EFS), or depending on your perspective, perhaps the other way around. If you are familiar and have done anything with Manila what are your initial thoughts and perspectives.

    What this all means

    People routinely tell me this is the most exciting and interesting times ever in servers, storage, I/O networking, hardware, software, backup or data protection, performance, cloud and virtual or take your pick too which I would not disagree.

    However, for the past several years (no, make that decade), there is new and more interesting things including in adjacent areas.

    I predict that at least for the next few years (no, make that decades), we will continue to see plenty of new and interesting things, questions include.

    However, what’s applicable to you and your environment vs. simply fun and interesting to watch?

    Ok, nuff said, for now

    Cheers gs


    In This Issue

  • Industry Trends Perspectives News
  • Commentary in the news
  • Tips and Articles
  • StorageIOblog posts
  • Events and Webinars
  • StorageIOblog posts
  • Server StorageIO Lab reports
  • Resources and Links
  • Industry News and Activity

    Recent Industry news and activity

    View other recent industry activity here

    StorageIO Commentary in the news

    StorageIO news (image licensed for use from Shutterstock by StorageIO)
    Recent Server StorageIO commentary and industry trends perspectives about news, activities and announcements.

    CyberTrend: Comments on Software Defined Data Center and Virtualization

    View more trends comments here

    StorageIO Tips and Articles

    Check out these resources and links on server storage I/O performance and benchmarking tools. View more tips and articles here

    Various Industry Events

    EMCworld – May 4-6 2015 (Las Vegas)

    Interop – April 29 2015 (Las Vegas)
    Smart Shopping for Your Enterprise Storage Strategy

    View other recent and upcoming events here


    BrightTalk Webinar – June 23 2015
    Server Storage I/O Innovation Update

    View other webinars here

    Videos and Podcasts

    Data Protection Gumbo Podcast
    Protect Preserve and Serve Data

    In this episode, Greg Schulz is a guest on Data Protection Gumbo hosted by Demetrius Malbrough(@dmalbrough). The conversation covers various aspects of data protection which has a focus of protect preserve and serve information, applications and data across different environments and customer segments.

    While we discuss enterprise and SMB data protection, we also talk about trends from Mobile to the cloud among many others tools, technologies and techniques. Check out the podcast here.

    Springtime in Kentucky
    With Kendrick Coleman of EMCcode
    Cloud Object Storage S3motion and more

    In this episode, @EMCcode (Part of EMC) developer advocate Kendrick Coleman (@KendrickColeman) joins me (e.g. Greg Schulz) for a conversation.

    Conversation covers what is EMCcode, EMC Federation, Cloud Foundryclouds, object storage, buckets, containers, objects, node.jsDocker, OpenStack, AWS S3, micro services, and the S3motion tool Kendrick developed.

    S3motion is a good tool to have in your server storage I/O tool box for working with cloud and object storage along with others such as Cloudberry, S3fs, Cyberduck, S3 browser among many others. You can get S3motion for free from git hub here Check out the companion blog post for this podcast here.

    StorageIO podcast’s are also available via Server Storage I/O audio podcastServer Storage I/O video & at

    From StorageIO Labs

    Research, Reviews and Reports

    AWS S3 Cross-Region Replication

    AWS S3 Cross region replication
    Moving and Replicating Buckets/Containers, Sub folders and Objects (Click on Image to read about AWS Cross-Region Replication)

    View other StorageIO lab review reports here

    Resources and Links

    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    Cloud Conversations: AWS EFS Elastic File System (Cloud NAS) First Preview Look

    Storage I/O trends

    Cloud Conversations: AWS EFS Elastic File System (Cloud NAS) First Preview Look

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced (preview) new Elastic File System (EFS) providing Network File System (NFS) NAS (Network Attached Storage) capabilities for AWS Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instances. EFS AWS compliments other AWS storage offerings including Simple Storage Service (S3) along with Elastic Block Storage (EBS), Glacier and Relational Data Services (RDS) among others.

    Ok, that’s a lot of buzzwords and acronyms so lets break this down a bit.

    Amazon Web Services AWS

    AWS EFS and Cloud Storage, Beyond Buzzword Bingo

    • EC2 – Instances exist in various Availability Zones (AZ’s) in different AWS Regions. Compute instance with various operating systems including Windows and Ubuntu among others that also can be pre-configured with applications such as SQL Server or web services among others. EC2 instances vary from low-cost to high-performance compute, memory, GPU, storage or general purposed optimized. For example, some EC2 instances rely solely on EBS, S3, RDS or other AWS storage offerings while others include on-board Solid State Disk (SSD) like DAS SSD found on traditional servers. EC2 instances on EBS volumes can be snapshot to S3 storage which in turn can be replicated to another region.
    • EBS – Scalable block accessible storage for EC2 instances that can be configured for performance or bulk storage, as well as for persistent images for EC2 instances (if you choose to configure your instance to be persistent)
    • EFS – New file (aka NAS) accessible storage service accessible from EC2 instances in various AZ’s in a given AWS region
    • Glacier – Cloud based near-line (or by some comparisons off-line) cold-storage archives.
    • RDS – Relational Database Services for SQL and other data repositories
    • S3 – Provides durable, scalable low-cost bulk (aka object) storage accessible from inside AWS as well as via externally. S3 can be used by EC2 instances for bulk durable storage as well as being used as a target for EBS snapshots.
    • Learn more about EC2, EBS, S3, Glacier, Regions, AZ’s and other AWS topics in this primer here

    aws regions architecture

    What is EFS

    Implements NFS V4 (SNIA NFS V4 primer) providing network attached storage (NAS) meaning data sharing. AWS is indicating initial pricing for EFS at $0.30 per GByte per month. EFS is designed for storage and data sharing from multiple EC2 instances in different AZ’s in the same AWS region with scalability into the PBs.

    What EFS is not

    Currently it seems that EFS has an end-point inside AWS accessible via an EC2 instance like EBS. This appears to be like EBS where the storage service is accessible only to AWS EC2 instances unlike S3 which can be accessible from the out-side world as well as via EC2 instances.

    Note however, that depending on how you configure your EC2 instance with different software, as well as configure a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and other settings, it is possible to have an application, software tool or operating system running on EC2 accessible from the outside world. For example, NAS software such as those from SoftNAS and NetApp among many others can be installed on an EC2 instance and with proper configuration, as well as being accessible to other EC2 instances, they can also be accessed from outside of AWS (with proper settings and security).

    AWS EFS at this time is NFS version 4 based however does not support Windows SMB/CIFS, HDFS or other NAS access protocols. In addition AWS EFS is accessible from multiple AZ’s within a region. To share NAS data across regions some other software would be required.

    EFS is not yet as of this writing released and AWS is currently accepting requests to join the EFS preview here.

    Amazon Web Services AWS

    Where to learn more

    Here are some links to learn more about AWS S3 and related topics

    What this all means and wrap-up

    AWS continues to extend its cloud platform include both compute and storage offerings. EFS compliments EBS along with S3, Glacier and RDS. For many environments NFS support will be welcome while for others CIFS/SMB would be appreciated and others are starting to find that value in HDFS accessible NAS.

    Overall I like this announcement and look forward to moving beyond the preview.

    Ok, nuff said, for now..

    Cheers gs

    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    March 2015 Server StorageIO Update Newsletter



    Volume 15, Issue III

    Hello and welcome to this March 2015 Server and StorageIO update newsletter. Here in the northern hemisphere at least by the calendar spring is here, weather wise winter continues to linger in some areas. March also means in the US college university sports tournaments with many focused on their NCAA men’s basketball championship brackets.

    Besides various college championships, March also has a connection to back up and data protection. Thus this months newsletter has a focus on data protection, after all March 31 is World Backup Day which means it should also be World Restore test day!

    Focus on Data Protection

    Data protection including backup/restore, business continuance (BC), disaster recovery (DR), business resiliency (BR) and archiving across physical, virtual and cloud environments.

    Data Protection Fundamentals

    A reminder on the importance of data protection including backup, BC, DR and related technologies is to make sure they are occuring as planned. Also test your copies and remember the 4 3 2 1 rule or guide.

    4 – Versions (different time intervals)
    3 – Copies of critical data (including versions)
    2 – Different media, devices or systems
    1 – Off-site (cloud or elsewhere)

    The above means having at least four (4) different versions from various points in time of your data. Having three (3) copies including various versions protects against one or more copies being corrupt or damaged. Placing those versions and copies on at least two (2) different storage systems, devices or media if something happens.

    While it might be common sense, a bad April Fools recovery joke would be finding out all of your copies were on the same device which is damaged. That might seem obvious however sometimes the obvious needs to be stated. Also make sure that at least one (1) of your copies is off-site either on off-line media (tape, disk, ssd, optical) or cloud.

    Take a few moments and to verify that your data protection strategy is being implemented and practiced as intended. Also test what is being copied including not only restore the data from cloud, disk, ssd or tape, also make sure you can actually read or use the data being protected. This means make sure that your security credentials including access certificates and decryption occur as expected.

    Watch for more news, updates industry trends perspectives commentary, tips, articles and other information at,, various partner venues as well as in future newsletters.

    StorageIOblog posts

    Data Protection Diaries
    Are restores ready for World Backup Day?
    In case you forgot or did not know, World Backup Day is March 31 2015 (@worldbackupday) so now is a good time to be ready. The only challenge that I have with the World Backup Day (view their site here) that has gone on for a few years know is that it is a good way to call out the importance of backing up or protecting data.
    world backup day test your restore

    However it’s also time to put more emphasis and focus on being able to make sure those backups or protection copies actually work.

    By this I mean doing more than making sure that your data can be read from tape, disk, SSD or cloud service actually going a step further and verifying that restored data can actually be used (read, written, etc).

    The problem, issue and challenges are simple, are your applications, systems and data protected as well as can you use those protection copies (e.g. backups, snapshots, replicas or archives) when as well as were needed? Read more here about World Backup Day and what I’m doing as well as various tips to be ready for successful recovery and avoid being an April 1st fool ;).

    Cloud Conversations
    AWS S3 Cross Region Replication
    Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced several enhancements including a new Simple Storage Service (S3) cross-region replication of objects from a bucket (e.g. container) in one region to a bucket in another region.

    AWS also recently enhanced Elastic Block Storage (EBS) increasing maximum performance and size of Provisioned IOPS (SSD) and General Purpose (SSD) volumes. EBS enhancements included ability to store up to 16 TBytes of data in a single volume and do 20,000 input/output operations per second (IOPS). Read more about EBS and other AWS server, storage I/O  enhancements here.
    AWS regions and availability zones (AZ)
    Example of some AWS Regions and AZs

    AWS S3 buckets and objects are stored in a specific region designated by the customer or user (AWS S3, EBS, EC2, Glacier, Regions and Availability Zone primer can be found here). The challenge being addressed by AWS with S3 replication is being able to move data (e.g. objects) stored in AWS buckets in one region to another in a safe, secure, timely, automated, cost-effective way.

    Continue reading more here about AWS S3 bucket and object replication feature along with related material.

    Additional March StorageIOblog posts include:

    Server Storage I/O performance (Image licensed from Shutterstock by StorageIO)



    View other recent as well as past blog posts here

    In This Issue

    • Industry Trends Perspectives News
    • Commentary in the news
    • Tips and Articles
    • StorageIOblog posts
    • Events and Webinars
    • Recommended Reading List
    • StorageIOblog posts
    • Server StorageIO Lab reports
    • Resources and Links


    Industry News and Activity

    Recent Industry news and activity

    EMC sets up cloudfoundry Dojo
    AWS S3, EBS IOPs and other updates
    New backup/data protection vendor Rubrik
    Google adds nearline Cloud Storage
    AWS and Microsoft Cloud Price battle

    View other recent and upcoming events here

    StorageIO Commentary in the news

    StorageIO news (image licensed for use from Shutterstock by StorageIO)
    Recent Server StorageIO commentary and industry trends perspectives about news, activities and announcements.

    Processor: Enterprise Backup Solution Tips
    Processor: Failed & Old Drives
    EnterpriseStorageForum: Disk Buying Guide
    ChannelProNetwork: 2015 Tech and SSD
    Processor: Detect & Avoid Drive Failures

    View more trends comments here

    StorageIO Tips and Articles

    So you have a new storage device or system. How will you test or find its performance? Check out this quick-read tip on storage benchmark and testing fundamentals over at BizTech.

    Keeping with this months theme of data protection including backup/restore, BC, DR, BR and archiving, here are some more tips. These tips span server storage I/O networking hardware, software, cloud, virtual, performance, data protection applications and related themes including:

    • Test your data restores, can you read and actually use the data? Is you data decrypted, proper security certificates applied?
    • Remember to back up or protect your security encryption keys, certificates and application settings!
    • Revisit what format your data is being saved in including how will you be able to use data saved to the cloud. Will you be able to do a restore to a cloud server or do you need to make sure a copy of your backup tools are on your cloud server instances?

    Check out these resources and links on server storage I/O performance and benchmarking tools. View more tips and articles here

    Various Industry Events

    EMCworld – May 4-6 2015

    Interop – April 29 2015 (Las Vegas)

    Presenting Smart Shopping for Your Storage Strategy

    NAB – April 14-15 2015

    SNIA DSI Event – April 7-9

    View other recent and upcoming events here


    December 11, 2014 – BrightTalk
    Server & Storage I/O Performance

    December 10, 2014 – BrightTalk
    Server & Storage I/O Decision Making

    December 9, 2014 – BrightTalk
    Virtual Server and Storage Decision Making

    December 3, 2014 – BrightTalk
    Data Protection Modernization

    Videos and Podcasts

    StorageIO podcasts are also available via and at

    From StorageIO Labs

    Research, Reviews and Reports

    Datadynamics StorageX
    Datadynamics StorageX

    More than a data mover migration tool, StorageX is a tool for adding management and automation around unstructured local and distributed NAS (NFS, CIFS, DFS) file data. Read more here.

    View other StorageIO lab review reports here

    Recommended Reading List

    This is a new section being introduced in this edition of the Server StorageIO update mentioning various books, websites, blogs, articles, tips, tools, videos, podcasts along with other things I have found interesting and want to share with you.

      • Introducing s3motion (via EMCcode e.g. opensource) a tool for copying buckets and objects between public, private and hybrid clouds (e.g. AWS S3, GCS, Microsoft Azure and others) as well as object storage systems. This is a great tool which I have added to my server storage I/O cloud, virtual and physical toolbox. If you are not familiar with EMCcode check it out to learn more…
    • Running Hadoop on Ubuntu Linux (Series of tutorials) for those who want to get their hands dirty vs. using one of the All In One (AIO) appliances.
      • Yellow-bricks (Good blog focused on virtualization, VMware and other related themes) by Duncan Epping @duncanyb

    Resources and Links

    Check out these useful links and pages:

    Enjoy this edition of the Server and StorageIO update newsletter and watch for new tips, articles, StorageIO lab report reviews, blog posts, videos and podcasts along with in the news commentary appearing soon.

    Cheers gs

    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    Collecting Transaction Per Minute from SQL Server and HammerDB

    Storage I/O trends

    Collecting Transaction Per Minute from SQL Server and HammerDB

    When using benchmark or workload generation tools such as HammerDB I needed a way to capture and log performance activity metrics such as transactions per minute. For example using HammerDB to simulate an application making database requests performing various transactions as part of testing an overall system solution including server and storage I/O activity. This post takes a look at the problem or challenge I was looking to address, as well as creating a solution after spending time searching for one (still searching btw).

    The Problem, Issue, Challenge, Opportunity and Need

    The challenge is to collect application performance such as transactions per minute from a workload using a database. The workload or benchmark tool (in this case HammerDB) is the System Test Initiator (STI) that drives the activity (e.g. database requests) to a System Under Test (SUT). In this example the SUT is a Microsoft SQL Server running on a Windows 2012 R2 server. What I need is to collect and log into a file for later analysis the transaction rate per minute while the STI is generating a particular workload.

    Server Storage I/O performance

    Understanding the challenge and designing a strategy

    If you have ever used benchmark or workload generation tools such as Quest Benchmark Factory (part of the Toad tools collection) you might be spoiled with how it can be used to not only generate the workload, as well as collect, process, present and even store the results for database workloads such as TPC simulations. In this situation, Transaction Processing Council (TPC) like workloads need to be run and metrics on performance collected. Lets leave Benchmark Factory for a future discussion and focus instead on a free tool called HammerDB and more specifically how to collection transactions per minute metrics from Microsoft SQL Server. While the focus is SQL Server, you can easily adapt the approach for MySQL among others, not to mention there are tools such as Sysbench, Aerospike among other tools.

    The following image (created using my Livescribe Echo digital pen) outlines the problem, as well as sketches out a possible solution design. In the following figure, for my solution I’m going to show how to grab every minute for a given amount of time the count of transactions that have occurred. Later in the post processing (you could also do in the SQL Script) I take the new transaction count (which is cumulative) and subtract the earlier interval which yields the transactions per minute (see examples later in this post).

    collect TPM metrics from SQL Server with hammerdb
    The problem and challenge, a way to collect Transactions Per Minute (TPM)

    Finding a solution

    HammerDB displays results via its GUI, and perhaps there is a way or some trick to get it to log results to a file or some other means, however after searching the web, found that it was quicker to come up with solution. That solution was to decide how to collect and report the transactions per minute (or you could do by second or other interval) from Microsoft SQL Server. The solution was to find what performance counters and metrics are available from SQL Server, how to collect those and log them to a file for processing. What this means is a SQL Server script file would need to be created that ran in a loop collecting for a given amount of time at a specified interval. For example once a minute for several hours.

    Taking action

    The following is a script that I came up with that is far from optimal however it gets the job done and is a starting point for adding more capabilities or optimizations.

    In the following example, set loopcount to some number of minutes to collect samples for. Note however that if you are running a workload test for eight (8) hours with a 30 minute ramp-up time, you would want to use a loopcount (e.g. number of minutes to collect for) of 480 + 30 + 10. The extra 10 minutes is to allow for some samples before the ramp and start of workload, as well as to give a pronounced end of test number of samples. Add or subtract however many minutes to collect for as needed, however keep this in mind, better to collect a few extra minutes vs. not have them and wished you did.

    -- Note and disclaimer:
    -- Use of this code sample is at your own risk with Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC
    -- assuming no responsibility for its use or consequences. You are free to use this as is
    -- for non-commercial scenarios with no warranty implied. However feel free to enhance and
    -- share those enhancements with others e.g. pay it forward.
    DECLARE @cntr_value bigint;
    DECLARE @loopcount bigint; # how many minutes to take samples for
    set @loopcount = 240
    SELECT @cntr_value = cntr_value
     FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
     WHERE counter_name = 'transactions/sec'
     AND object_name = 'MSSQL$DBIO:Databases'
     AND instance_name = 'tpcc' ; print @cntr_value;
     WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'
    -- Start loop to collect TPM every minute
    while @loopcount <> 0
    SELECT @cntr_value = cntr_value
     FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
     WHERE counter_name = 'transactions/sec'
     AND object_name = 'MSSQL$DBIO:Databases'
     AND instance_name = 'tpcc' ; print @cntr_value;
     WAITFOR DELAY '00:01:00'
     set @loopcount = @loopcount - 1
    -- All done with loop, write out the last value
    SELECT @cntr_value = cntr_value
     FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
     WHERE counter_name = 'transactions/sec'
     AND object_name = 'MSSQL$DBIO:Databases'
     AND instance_name = 'tpcc' ; print @cntr_value;
    -- End of script

    The above example has loopcount set to 240 for a 200 minute test with a 30 minute ramp and 10 extra minutes of samples. I use the a couple of the minutes to make sure that the system test initiator (STI) such as HammerDB is configured and ready to start executing transactions. You could also put this along with your HammerDB items into a script file for further automation, however I will leave that exercise up to you.

    For those of you familiar with SQL and SQL Server you probably already see some things to improve or stylized or simply apply your own preference which is great, go for it. Also note that I’m only selecting a certain variable from the performance counters as there are many others which you can easily discovery with a couple of SQL commands (e.g. select and specify database instance and object name. Also note that the key is accessing the items in sys.dm_os_performance_counters of your SQL Server database instance.

    The results

    The output from the above is a list of cumulative numbers as shown below which you will need to post process (or add a calculation to the above script). Note that part of running the script is specifying an output file which I show later.


    Implementing the solution

    You can setup the above script to run as part of a larger automation shell or batch script, however for simplicity I’m showing it here using Microsoft SQL Server Studio.

    SQL Server script to collect TPM
    Microsoft SQL Server Studio with script to collect Transaction Per Minute (TPM)

    The following image shows how to specify an output file for the results to be logged to when using Microsoft SQL Studio to run the TPM collection script.

    Specify SQL Server tpm output file
    Microsoft SQL Server Studio specify output file

    With the SQL Server script running to collect results, and HammerDB workload running to generate activity, the following shows Quest Spotlight on Windows (SoW) displaying WIndows Server 2012 R2 operating system level performance including CPU, memory, paging and other activity. Note that this example had about the system test initiator (STI) which is HammerDB and the system under test (SUT) that is Microsoft SQL Server on the same server.

    Spotlight on Windows while SQL Server doing tpc
    Quest Spotlight on Windows showing Windows Server performance activity

    Results and post-processing

    As part of post processing simple use your favorite tool or script or what I often do is pull the numbers into Excel spreadsheet, and simply create a new column of numbers that computes and shows the difference between each step (see below). While in Excel then I plot the numbers as needed which can also be done via a shell script and other plotting tools such as R.

    In the following example, the results are imported into Excel (your favorite tool or script) where I then add a column (B) that simple computes the difference between the existing and earlier counter. For example in cell B2 = A2-A1, B3 = A3-A2 and so forth for the rest of the numbers in column A. I then plot the numbers in column B to show the transaction rates over time that can then be used for various things.

    Hammerdb TPM results from SQL Server processed in Excel
    Results processed in Excel and plotted

    Note that in the above results that might seem too good to be true they are, these were cached results to show the tools and data collection process as opposed to the real work being done, at least for now…

    Where to learn more

    Here are some extra links to have a look at:

    How to test your HDD, SSD or all flash array (AFA) storage fundamentals
    Server and Storage I/O Benchmarking 101 for Smarties
    Server and Storage I/O Benchmark Tools: Microsoft Diskspd (Part I)
    The SSD Place (collection of flash and SSD resources)
    Server and Storage I/O Benchmarking and Performance Resources
    I/O, I/O how well do you know about good or bad server and storage I/Os?

    What this all means and wrap-up

    There are probably many ways to fine tune and optimize the above script, likewise there may even be some existing tool, plug-in, add-on module, or configuration setting that allows HammerDB to log the transaction activity rates to a file vs. simply showing on a screen. However for now, this is a work around that I have found for when needing to collect transaction activity performance data with HammerDB and SQL Server.

    Ok, nuff said, for now…

    Cheers gs

    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    Top vblog voting V2.015 (Its IT award season, cast your votes)

    Top vblog voting V2.015 (Its IT award season, cast your votes)

    Storage I/O trends

    It’s that time of the year again for award season:

    • The motion picture association Academy awards (e.g. the Oscars)
    • The Grammys and other entertainment awards
    • As well as Eric Siebert (aka @ericsiebert) top vblog top vblog

    Eric has run for several years now an annual top VMware, Virtualization, Storage and related blogs voting now taking place until March 16th 2015 (click on the image below). You will find a nice mix of new school, old school and a few current or future school theme blogs represented with some being more VMware specific. However there are also many blogs at the vpad site that have a cloud, virtual, server, storage, networking, software defined, development and other related themes.

    top vblog voting
    Click on the above image to cast your vote for favorite:

    • Ten blogs (e.g. select up to ten and then rank 1 through 10)
    • Storage blog
    • Scripting blog
    • VDI blog
    • New Blogger
    • Independent Blogger (e.g. non-vendor)
    • News/Information Web site
    • Podcast

    Call to action, take a moment to cast your vote

    My has been on the vLaunchPad site for several years now as well as having syndicated content that also appears via some of the other venues listed there.

    Six time VMware vExpert

    In addition to my StorageIOblog and podcast, you will also find many of my fellow VMware vExperts among others at the vLaunchpad site so check them out as well.

    What this means

    This is a people’s choice process (yes it is a popularity process of sorts as well) however also a way of rewarding or thanking those who take time to create and share content with you and others. If you take time to read various blogs, listen to podcasts as well as consume other content, please take a few moments and cast your vote here (thank you in advance) which I hope includes as part of the top ten, as well as being nominated in the Storage, Podcast and Independent blogger categories.

    Ok, nuff said, for now…

    Cheers gs

    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    How to test your HDD SSD or all flash array (AFA) storage fundamentals

    How to test your HDD SSD AFA Hybrid or cloud storage

    server storage data infrastructure i/o hdd ssd all flash array afa fundamentals

    Updated 2/14/2018

    Over at BizTech Magazine I have a new article 4 Ways to Performance Test Your New HDD or SSD that provides a quick guide to verifying or learning what the speed characteristic of your new storage device are capable of.

    An out-take from the article used by BizTech as a "tease" is:

    These four steps will help you evaluate new storage drives. And … psst … we included the metrics that matter.

    Building off the basics, server storage I/O benchmark fundamentals

    The four basic steps in the article are:

    • Plan what and how you are going to test (what’s applicable for you)
    • Decide on a benchmarking tool (learn about various tools here)
    • Test the test (find bugs, errors before a long running test)
    • Focus on metrics that matter (what’s important for your environment)

    Server Storage I/O performance

    Where To Learn More

    View additional NAS, NVMe, SSD, NVM, SCM, Data Infrastructure and HDD related topics via the following links.

    Additional learning experiences along with common questions (and answers), as well as tips can be found in Software Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials book.

    Software Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials Book SDDC

    What This All Means

    To some the above (read the full article here) may seem like common sense tips and things everybody should know otoh there are many people who are new to servers storage I/O networking hardware software cloud virtual along with various applications, not to mention different tools.

    Thus the above is a refresher for some (e.g. Dejavu) while for others it might be new and revolutionary or simply helpful. Interested in HDD’s, SSD’s as well as other server storage I/O performance along with benchmarking tools, techniques and trends check out the collection of links here (Server and Storage I/O Benchmarking and Performance Resources).

    Ok, nuff said, for now.


    Greg Schulz – Microsoft MVP Cloud and Data Center Management, VMware vExpert 2010-2017 (vSAN and vCloud). Author of Software Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials (CRC Press), as well as Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press), Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier) and twitter @storageio. Courteous comments are welcome for consideration. First published on any reproduction in whole, in part, with changes to content, without source attribution under title or without permission is forbidden.

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO. All Rights Reserved. StorageIO is a registered Trade Mark (TM) of Server StorageIO.

    February 2015 Server StorageIO Update Newsletter

    Volume 15, Issue II

    Hello and welcome to this February 2015 Server and StorageIO update newsletter. The new year is off and running with many events already underway including the recent USENIX FAST conference and others on the docket over the next few months.

    Speaking of FAST (File and Storage Technologies) event which I attended last week, here is a link to where you can download the conference proceedings.

    In other events, VMware announced version 6 of their vSphere ESXi hypervisor and associated management tools including VSAN, VVOL among other items.

    This months newsletter has a focus on server storage I/O performance topics with various articles, tips, commentary and blog posts.

    Watch for more news, updates and industry trends perspectives coming soon.

    Commentary In The News

    StorageIO news

    Following are some StorageIO industry trends perspectives comments that have appeared in various print and on-line venues. Over at Processor there are comments on resilient & highly available, underutilized or unused servers, what abandoned data Is costing your company, align application needs with your infrastructure (server, storage, networking) resources.

    Also at processor explore flash based (SSD) storage, enterprise backup buying tips, re-evaluate server security, new tech advancements for server upgrades, and understand cost of acquiring storage.

    Meanwhile over at CyberTrend there are some perspectives on enterprise backup and better servers mean better business.

    View more trends comments here

    Tips and Articles

    So you have a new storage device or system.

    How will you test or find its performance?

    Check out this quick-read tip on storage benchmark and testing fundamentals over at BizTech. Also check out these resources and links on server storage I/O performance and benchmarking tools.

    View recent as well as past tips and articles here

    StorageIOblog posts

    Recent StorageIOblog posts include:

    View other recent as well as past blog posts here

    In This Issue

  • Industry Trends Perspectives
  • Commentary in the news
  • Tips and Articles
  • StorageIOblog posts
  • Events & Activities

    EMCworld – May 4-6 2015

    Interop – April 29 2015

    NAB – April 14-15 2015

    Deltaware Event – March 3 2015

    Feb. 18 – FAST 2015 – Santa Clara CA

    View other recent and upcoming events here


    December 11, 2014 – BrightTalk
    Server & Storage I/O Performance

    December 10, 2014 – BrightTalk
    Server & Storage I/O Decision Making

    December 9, 2014 – BrightTalk
    Virtual Server and Storage Decision Making

    December 3, 2014 – BrightTalk
    Data Protection Modernization

    November 13 9AM PT – BrightTalk
    Software Defined Storage

    Videos and Podcasts

    StorageIO podcasts are also available via and at

    From StorageIO Labs

    Research, Reviews and Reports

    StarWind Virtual SAN
    starwind virtual san

    Using less hardware with software defined storage management. This looks at the needs of Microsoft Hyper-V ROBO and SMB environments with software defined storage less hardware. Read more here.

    View other StorageIO lab review reports here.

    Resources and Links

    Check out these useful links and pages:

    Enjoy this edition of the Server and StorageIO update newsletter and watch for new tips, articles, StorageIO lab report reviews, blog posts, videos and podcasts along with in the news commentary appearing soon.

    Cheers gs

    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    Server and Storage I/O Benchmarking 101 for Smarties

    Server Storage I/O Benchmarking 101 for Smarties or dummies ;)

    server storage I/O trends

    This is the first of a series of posts and links to resources on server storage I/O performance and benchmarking (view more and follow-up posts here).

    The best I/O is the I/O that you do not have to do, the second best is the one with the least impact as well as low overhead.

    server storage I/O performance

    Drew Robb (@robbdrew) has a Data Storage Benchmarking Guide article over at Enterprise Storage Forum that provides a good framework and summary quick guide to server storage I/O benchmarking.

    Via Drew:

    Data storage benchmarking can be quite esoteric in that vast complexity awaits anyone attempting to get to the heart of a particular benchmark.

    Case in point: The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has developed the Emerald benchmark to measure power consumption. This invaluable benchmark has a vast amount of supporting literature. That so much could be written about one benchmark test tells you just how technical a subject this is. And in SNIA’s defense, it is creating a Quick Reference Guide for Emerald (coming soon).

    But rather than getting into the nitty-gritty nuances of the tests, the purpose of this article is to provide a high-level overview of a few basic storage benchmarks, what value they might have and where you can find out more. 

    Read more here including some of my comments, tips and recommendations.

    Drew’s provides a good summary and overview in his article which is a great opener for this first post in a series on server storage I/O benchmarking and related resources.

    You can think of this series (along with Drew’s article) as server storage I/O benchmarking fundamentals (e.g. 101) for smarties (e.g. non-dummies ;) ).

    Note that even if you are not a server, storage or I/O expert, you can still be considered a smarty vs. a dummy if you found the need or interest to read as well as learn more about benchmarking, metrics that matter, tools, technology and related topics.

    Server and Storage I/O benchmarking 101

    There are different reasons for benchmarking, such as, you might be asked or want to know how many IOPs per disk, Solid State Device (SSD), device or storage system such as for a 15K RPM (revolutions per minute) 146GB SAS Hard Disk Drive (HDD). Sure you can go to a manufactures website and look at the speeds and feeds (technical performance numbers) however are those metrics applicable to your environments applications or workload?

    You might get higher IOPs with smaller IO size on sequential reads vs. random writes which will also depend on what the HDD is attached to. For example are you going to attach the HDD to a storage system or appliance with RAID and caching? Are you going to attach the HDD to a PCIe RAID card or will it be part of a server or storage system. Or are you simply going to put the HDD into a server or workstation and use as a drive without any RAID or performance acceleration.

    What this all means is understanding what it is that you want to benchmark test to learn what the system, solution, service or specific device can do under different workload conditions.

    Some benchmark and related topics include

    • What are you trying to benchmark
    • Why do you need to benchmark something
    • What are some server storage I/O benchmark tools
    • What is the best benchmark tool
    • What to benchmark, how to use tools
    • What are the metrics that matter
    • What is benchmark context why does it matter
    • What are marketing hero benchmark results
    • What to do with your benchmark results
    • server storage I/O benchmark step test
      Example of a step test results with various workers and workload

    • What do the various metrics mean (can we get a side of context with them metrics?)
    • Why look at server CPU if doing storage and I/O networking tests
    • Where and how to profile your application workloads
    • What about physical vs. virtual vs. cloud and software defined benchmarking
    • How to benchmark block DAS or SAN, file NAS, object, cloud, databases and other things
    • Avoiding common benchmark mistakes
    • Tips, recommendations, things to watch out for
    • What to do next

    server storage I/O trends

    Where to learn more

    The following are related links to read more about server (cloud, virtual and physical) storage I/O benchmarking tools, technologies and techniques.

    Drew Robb’s benchmarking quick reference guide
    Server storage I/O benchmarking tools, technologies and techniques resource page
    Server and Storage I/O Benchmarking 101 for Smarties.
    Microsoft Diskspd download and Microsoft Diskspd overview (via Technet)
    I/O, I/O how well do you know about good or bad server and storage I/Os?
    Server and Storage I/O Benchmark Tools: Microsoft Diskspd (Part I and Part II)

    Wrap up and summary

    We have just scratched the surface when it comes to benchmarking cloud, virtual and physical server storage I/O and networking hardware, software along with associated tools, techniques and technologies. However hopefully this and the links for more reading mentioned above give a basis for connecting the dots of what you already know or enable learning more about workloads, synthetic generation and real-world workloads, benchmarks and associated topics. Needless to say there are many more things that we will cover in future posts (e.g. keep an eye on and bookmark the server storage I/O benchmark tools and resources page here).

    Ok, nuff said, for now…

    Cheers gs

    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    Server Storage I/O Benchmark Tools: Microsoft Diskspd (Part I)

    Server Storage I/O Benchmark Tools: Microsoft Diskspd (Part I)

    server storage I/O trends

    This is part-one of a two-part post pertaining Microsoft Diskspd.that is also part of a broader series focused on server storage I/O benchmarking, performance, capacity planning, tools and related technologies. You can view part-two of this post here, along with companion links here.


    Many people use Iometer for creating synthetic (artificial) workloads to support benchmarking for testing, validation and other activities. While Iometer with its GUI is relatively easy to use and available across many operating system (OS) environments, the tool also has its limits. One of the bigger limits for Iometer is that it has become dated with little to no new development for a long time, while other tools including some new ones continue to evolve in functionality, along with extensibility. Some of these tools have optional GUI for easy of use or configuration, while others simple have extensive scripting and command parameter capabilities. Many tools are supported across different OS including physical, virtual and cloud, while others such as Microsoft Diskspd are OS specific.

    Instead of focusing on Iometer and other tools as well as benchmarking techniques (we cover those elsewhere), lets focus on Microsoft Diskspd.

    server storage I/O performance

    What is Microsoft Diskspd?

    Microsoft Diskspd is a synthetic workload generation (e.g. benchmark) tool that runs on various Windows systems as an alternative to Iometer, vdbench, iozone, iorate, fio, sqlio among other tools. Diskspd is a command line tool which means it can easily be scripted to do reads and writes of various I/O size including random as well as sequential activity. Server and storage I/O can be buffered file system as well non-buffered across different types of storage and interfaces. Various performance and CPU usage information is provided to gauge the impact on a system when doing a given number of IOP’s, amount of bandwidth along with response time latency.

    What can Diskspd do?

    Microsoft Diskspd creates synthetic benchmark workload activity with ability to define various options to simulate different application characteristics. This includes specifying read and writes, random, sequential, IO size along with number of threads to simulate concurrent activity. Diskspd can be used for testing or validating server and storage I/O systems along with associated software, tools and components. In addition to being able to specify different workloads, Diskspd can also be told which processors to use (e.g. CPU affinity), buffering or non-buffered IO among other things.

    What type of storage does Diskspd work with?

    Physical and virtual storage including hard disk drive (HDD), solid state devices (SSD), solid state hybrid drives (SSHD) in various systems or solutions. Storage can be physical as well as partitions or file systems. As with any workload tool when doing writes, exercise caution to prevent accidental deletion or destruction of your data.

    What information does Diskspd produce?

    Diskspd provides output in text as well as XML formats. See an example of Diskspd output further down in this post.

    Where to get Diskspd?

    You can download your free copy of Diskspd from the Microsoft site here.

    The download and installation are quick and easy, just remember to select the proper version for your Windows system and type of processor.

    Another tip is to remember to set path environment variables point to where you put the Diskspd image.

    Also stating what should be obvious, don’t forget that if you are going to be doing any benchmark or workload generation activity on a system where the potential for a data to be over-written or deleted, make sure you have a good backup and tested restore before you begin, if something goes wrong.

    New to server storage I/O benchmarking or tools?

    If you are not familiar with server storage I/O performance benchmarking or using various workload generation tools (e.g. benchmark tools), Drew Robb (@robbdrew) has a Data Storage Benchmarking Guide article over at Enterprise Storage Forum that provides a good framework and summary quick guide to server storage I/O benchmarking.

    Via Drew:

    Data storage benchmarking can be quite esoteric in that vast complexity awaits anyone attempting to get to the heart of a particular benchmark.

    Case in point: The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has developed the Emerald benchmark to measure power consumption. This invaluable benchmark has a vast amount of supporting literature. That so much could be written about one benchmark test tells you just how technical a subject this is. And in SNIA’s defense, it is creating a Quick Reference Guide for Emerald (coming soon).

    But rather than getting into the nitty-gritty nuances of the tests, the purpose of this article is to provide a high-level overview of a few basic storage benchmarks, what value they might have and where you can find out more. 

    Read more here including some of my comments, tips and recommendations.

    In addition to Drew’s benchmarking quick reference guide, along with the server storage I/O benchmarking tools, technologies and techniques resource page (Server and Storage I/O Benchmarking 101 for Smarties.

    How do you use Diskspd?

    Tip: When you run Microsoft Diskspd it will create a file or data set on the device or volume being tested that it will do its I/O to, make sure that you have enough disk space for what will be tested (e.g. if you are going to test 1TB you need to have more than 1TB of disk space free for use). Another tip is to speed up the initializing (e.g. when Diskspd creates the file that I/Os will be done to) run as administrator.

    Tip: In case you forgot, a couple of other useful Microsoft tools (besides Perfmon) for working with and displaying server storage I/O devices including disks (HDD and SSDs) are the commands "wmic diskdrive list [brief]" and "diskpart". With diskpart exercise caution as it can get you in trouble just as fast as it can get you out of trouble.

    You can view the Diskspd commands after installing the tool and from a Windows command prompt type:

    C:\Users\Username> Diskspd

    The above command will display Diskspd help and information about the commands as follows.

    Usage: diskspd [options] target1 [ target2 [ target3 …] ]
    version 2.0.12 (2014/09/17)

    Available targets:
    # :

    Available options:

    -?display usage information
    -a#[,#[…]]advanced CPU affinity – affinitize threads to CPUs provided after -a in a round-robin manner within current KGroup (CPU count starts with 0); the same CPU can be listed more than once and the number of CPUs can be different than the number of files or threads (cannot be used with -n)


    group affinity – affinitize threads in a round-robin manner across KGroups
    -b[K|M|G]block size in bytes/KB/MB/GB [default=64K]


    base file offset in bytes/KB/MB/GB/blocks [default=0] (offset from the beginning of the file)
    -c[K|M|G|b]create files of the given size. Size can be stated in bytes/KB/MB/GB/blocks

    -Ccool down time – duration of the test after measurements finished [default=0s].

    -DPrint IOPS standard deviations. The deviations are calculated for samples of duration . is given in milliseconds and the default value is 1000.
    -dduration (in seconds) to run test [default=10s]

    file size – this parameter can be used to use only the part of the file/disk/partition for example to test only the first sectors of disk
    -fropen file with the FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS hint
    -fsopen file with the FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN hint
    -Ftotal number of threads (cannot be used with -t)
    -gthroughput per thread is throttled to given bytes per millisecond note that this can not be specified when using completion routines
    -hdisable both software and hardware caching
    -inumber of IOs (burst size) before thinking. must be specified with -j
    -jtime to think in ms before issuing a burst of IOs (burst size). must be specified with -i
    -ISet IO priority to . Available values are: 1-very low, 2-low, 3-normal (default)
    -lUse large pages for IO buffers

    -Lmeasure latency statistics
    -ndisable affinity (cannot be used with -a)
    -onumber of overlapped I/O requests per file per thread (1=synchronous I/O, unless more than 1 thread is specified with -F) [default=2]
    -pstart async (overlapped) I/O operations with the same offset (makes sense only with -o2 or grater)
    -Penable printing a progress dot after each completed I/O operations (counted separately by each thread) [default count=65536]
    -r[K|M|G|b]random I/O aligned to bytes (doesn’t make sense with -s). can be stated in bytes/KB/MB/GB/blocks [default access=sequential, default alignment=block size]

    output format. Default is text.
    -s[K|M|G|b]stride size (offset between starting positions of subsequent I/O operations)
    -Sdisable OS caching
    -tnumber of threads per file (cannot be used with -F)
    -T[K|M|G|b]stride between I/O operations performed on the same file by different threads [default=0] (starting offset = base file offset + (thread number * ) it makes sense only with -t or -F
    -vverbose mode
    -wpercentage of write requests (-w and -w0 are equivalent). absence of this switch indicates 100% reads IMPORTANT: Your data will be destroyed without a warning

    warm up time – duration of the test before measurements start [default=5s].
    -xuse completion routines instead of I/O Completion Ports
    -Xuse an XML file for configuring the workload. Cannot be used with other parameters.
    -zset random seed [default=0 if parameter not provided, GetTickCount() if value not provided]

    Write buffers command options. By default, the write buffers are filled with a repeating pattern (0, 1, 2, …, 255, 0, 1, …)

    zero buffers used for write tests
    -Z[K|M|G|b]use a global buffer filled with random data as a source for write operations.

    use a global buffer filled with data from as a source for write operations. If is smaller than , its content will be repeated multiple times in the buffer. By default, the write buffers are filled with a repeating pattern (0, 1, 2, …, 255, 0, 1, …)

     Synchronization command options
    signals event
    before starting the actual run (no warmup) (creates a notification event if does not exist)
    -yfsignals event after the actual run finishes (no cooldown) (creates a notification event if does not exist)
    -yrwaits on event before starting the run (including warmup) (creates a notification event if does not exist)
    -ypallows to stop the run when event is set; it also binds CTRL+C to this event (creates a notification event if does not exist)
    -yesets event and quits

    Event Tracing command options

    -epuse paged memory for NT Kernel Logger (by default it uses non-paged memory)
    -equse perf timer
    -esuse system timer (default)
    -ecuse cycle count
    -ePROCESSprocess start & end
    -eTHREADthread start & end
    -eIMAGE_LOADimage load
    -eDISK_IOphysical disk IO
    -eMEMORY_PAGE_FAULTSall page faults
    -eMEMORY_HARD_FAULTShard faults only

    TCP/IP, UDP/IP send & receive
    -eREGISTRYregistry calls


    Create 8192KB file and run read test on it for 1 second:

    diskspd -c8192K -d1 testfile.dat

    Set block size to 4KB, create 2 threads per file, 32 overlapped (outstanding)
    I/O operations per thread, disable all caching mechanisms and run block-aligned random
    access read test lasting 10 seconds:

    diskspd -b4K -t2 -r -o32 -d10 -h testfile.dat

    Create two 1GB files, set block size to 4KB, create 2 threads per file, affinitize threads
    to CPUs 0 and 1 (each file will have threads affinitized to both CPUs) and run read test
    lasting 10 seconds:

    diskspd -c1G -b4K -t2 -d10 -a0,1 testfile1.dat testfile2.dat

    Where to learn more

    The following are related links to read more about servver (cloud, virtual and physical) storage I/O benchmarking tools, technologies and techniques.
    resource page

    Server and Storage I/O Benchmarking 101 for Smarties.

    Microsoft Diskspd download and Microsoft Diskspd overview (via Technet)

    I/O, I/O how well do you know about good or bad server and storage I/Os?

    Server and Storage I/O Benchmark Tools: Microsoft Diskspd (Part I and Part II)

    Wrap up and summary, for now…

    This wraps up part-one of this two-part post taking a look at Microsoft Diskspd benchmark and workload generation tool. In part-two (here) of this post series we take a closer look including a test drive using Microsoft Diskspd.

    Ok, nuff said (for now)

    Cheers gs

    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)

    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    Microsoft Diskspd (Part II): Server Storage I/O Benchmark Tools

    Microsoft Diskspd (Part II): Server Storage I/O Benchmark Tools

    server storage I/O trends

    This is part-two of a two-part post pertaining Microsoft Diskspd.that is also part of a broader series focused on server storage I/O benchmarking, performance, capacity planning, tools and related technologies. You can view part-one of this post here, along with companion links here.

    Microsoft Diskspd StorageIO lab test drive

    Server and StorageIO lab

    Talking about tools and technologies is one thing, installing as well as trying them is the next step for gaining experience so how about some quick hands-on time with Microsoft Diskspd (download your copy here).

    The following commands all specify an I/O size of 8Kbytes doing I/O to a 45GByte file called diskspd.dat located on the F: drive. Note that a 45GByte file is on the small size for general performance testing, however it was used for simplicity in this example. Ideally a larger target storage area (file, partition, device) would be used, otoh, if your application uses a small storage device or volume, then tune accordingly.

    In this test, the F: drive is an iSCSI RAID protected volume, however you could use other storage interfaces supported by Windows including other block DAS or SAN (e.g. SATA, SAS, USB, iSCSI, FC, FCoE, etc) as well as NAS. Also common to the following commands is using 16 threads and 32 outstanding I/Os to simulate concurrent activity of many users, or application processing threads.
    server storage I/O performance
    Another common parameter used in the following was -r for random, 7200 seconds (e.g. two hour) test duration time, display latency ( -L ) disable hardware and software cache ( -h), forcing cpu affinity (-a0,1,2,3). Since the test ran on a server with four cores I wanted to see if I could use those for helping to keep the threads and storage busy. What varies in the commands below is the percentage of reads vs. writes, as well as the results output file. Some of the workload below also had the -S option specified to disable OS I/O buffering (to view how buffering helps when enabled or disabled). Depending on the goal, or type of test, validation, or workload being run, I would choose to set some of these parameters differently.

    diskspd -c45g -b8K -t16 -o32 -r -d7200 -h -w0 -L -a0,1,2,3 F:\diskspd.dat >> SIOWS2012R203_Eiscsi_145_noh_write000.txt

    diskspd -c45g -b8K -t16 -o32 -r -d7200 -h -w50 -L -a0,1,2,3 F:\diskspd.dat >> SIOWS2012R203_Eiscsi_145_noh_write050.txt

    diskspd -c45g -b8K -t16 -o32 -r -d7200 -h -w100 -L -a0,1,2,3 F:\diskspd.dat >> SIOWS2012R203_Eiscsi_145_noh_write100.txt

    diskspd -c45g -b8K -t16 -o32 -r -d7200 -h -S -w0 -L -a0,1,2,3 F:\diskspd.dat >> SIOWS2012R203_Eiscsi_145_noSh_test_write000.txt

    diskspd -c45g -b8K -t16 -o32 -r -d7200 -h -S -w50 -L -a0,1,2,3 F:\diskspd.dat >> SIOWS2012R203_Eiscsi_145_noSh_write050.txt

    diskspd -c45g -b8K -t16 -o32 -r -d7200 -h -S -w100 -L -a0,1,2,3 F:\diskspd.dat >> SIOWS2012R203_Eiscsi_145_noSh_write100.txt

    The following is the output from the above workload command.
    Microsoft Diskspd sample output
    Microsoft Diskspd sample output part 2
    Microsoft Diskspd sample output part 3

    Note that as with any benchmark, workload test or simulation your results will vary. In the above the server, storage and I/O system were not tuned as the focus was on working with the tool, determining its capabilities. Thus do not focus on the performance results per say, rather what you can do with Diskspd as a tool to try different things. Btw, fwiw, in the above example in addition to using an iSCSI target, the Windows 2012 R2 server was a guest on a VMware ESXi 5.5 system.

    Where to learn more

    The following are related links to read more about server (cloud, virtual and physical) storage I/O benchmarking tools, technologies and techniques.

    Drew Robb’s benchmarking quick reference guide
    Server storage I/O benchmarking tools, technologies and techniques resource page
    Server and Storage I/O Benchmarking 101 for Smarties.
    Microsoft Diskspd download and Microsoft Diskspd overview (via Technet)
    I/O, I/O how well do you know about good or bad server and storage I/Os?
    Server and Storage I/O Benchmark Tools: Microsoft Diskspd (Part I and Part II)

    Comments and wrap-up

    What I like about Diskspd (Pros)

    Reporting including CPU usage (you can’t do server and storage I/O without CPU) along with IOP’s (activity), bandwidth (throughout or amount of data being moved), per thread and total results along with optional reporting. While a GUI would be nice particular for beginners, I’m used to setting up scripts for different workloads so having an extensive options for setting up different workloads is welcome. Being associated with a specific OS (e.g. Windows) the CPU affinity and buffer management controls will be handy for some projects.

    Diskspd has the flexibility to use different storage interfaces and types of storage including files or partitions should be taken for granted, however with some tools don’t take things for granted. I like the flexibility to easily specify various IO sizes including large 1MByte, 10MByte, 20MByte, 100MByte and 500MByte to simulate application workloads that do large sequential (or random) activity. I tried some IO sizes (e.g. specified by -b parameter larger than 500MB however, I received various errors including "Could not allocate a buffer bytes for target" which means that Diskspd can do IO sizes smaller than that. While not able to do IO sizes larger than 500MB, this is actually impressive. Several other tools I have used or with have IO size limits down around 10MByte which makes it difficult for creating workloads that do large IOP’s (note this is the IOP size, not the number of IOP’s).

    Oh, something else that should be obvious however will state it, Diskspd is free unlike some industry de-facto standard tools or workload generators that need a fee to get and use.

    Where Diskspd could be improved (Cons)

    For some users a GUI or configuration wizard would make the tool easier to get started with, on the other hand (oth), I tend to use the command capabilities of tools. Would also be nice to specify ranges as part of a single command such as stepping through an IO size range (e.g. 4K, 8K, 16K, 1MB, 10MB) as well as read write percentages along with varying random sequential mixes. Granted this can easily be done by having a series of commands, however I have become spoiled by using other tools such as vdbench.


    Server and storage I/O performance toolbox

    Overall I like Diskspd and have added it to my Server Storage I/O workload and benchmark tool-box

    Keep in mind that the best benchmark or workload generation technology tool will be your own application(s) configured to run as close as possible to production activity levels.

    However when that is not possible, the an alternative is to use tools that have the flexibility to be configured as close as possible to your application(s) workload characteristics. This means that the focus should not be as much on the tool, as opposed to how flexible is a tool to work for you, granted the tool needs to be robust.

    Having said that, Microsoft Diskspd is a good and extensible tool for benchmarking, simulation, validation and comparisons, however it will only be as good as the parameters and configuration you set it up to use.

    Check out Microsoft Diskspd and add it to your benchmark and server storage I/O tool-box like I have done.

    Ok, nuff said (for now)

    Cheers gs

    Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
    twitter @storageio

    All Comments, (C) and (TM) belong to their owners/posters, Other content (C) Copyright 2006-2024 Server StorageIO and UnlimitedIO LLC All Rights Reserved

    Server Storage I/O Benchmark Performance Resource Tools

    Server Storage I/O Benchmarking Performance Resource Tools

    server storage I/O trends

    Updated 1/23/2018

    Server storage I/O benchmark performance resource tools, various articles and tips. These include tools for legacy, virtual, cloud and software defined environments.

    benchmark performance resource tools server storage I/O performance

    The best server and storage I/O (input/output operation) is the one that you do not have to do, the second best is the one with the least impact.

    server storage I/O locality of reference

    This is where the idea of locality of reference (e.g. how close is the data to where your application is running) comes into play which is implemented via tiered memory, storage and caching shown in the figure above.

    Cloud virtual software defined storage I/O

    Server storage I/O performance applies to cloud, virtual, software defined and legacy environments

    What this has to do with server storage I/O (and networking) performance benchmarking is keeping the idea of locality of reference, context and the application workload in perspective regardless of if cloud, virtual, software defined or legacy physical environments.

    StorageIOblog: I/O, I/O how well do you know about good or bad server and storage I/Os?
    StorageIOblog: Server and Storage I/O benchmarking 101 for smarties
    StorageIOblog: Which Enterprise HDDs to use for a Content Server Platform (7 part series with using benchmark tools) Enmotus FuzeDrive MicroTiering lab test using various tools
    StorageIOblog: Some server storage I/O benchmark tools, workload scripts and examples (Part I) and (Part II)
    StorageIOblog: Get in the NVMe SSD game (if you are not already) Transcend SSD360S Review with tips on using ATTO and Crystal benchmark tools
    ComputerWeekly: Storage performance metrics: How suppliers spin performance specifications

    Via StorageIO Podcast: Kevin Closson discusses SLOB Server CPU I/O Database Performance benchmarks
    Via @KevinClosson: SLOB Use Cases By Industry Vendors. Learn SLOB, Speak The Experts’ Language
    Via BeyondTheBlocks (Reduxio): 8 Useful Tools for Storage I/O Benchmarking
    Via CCSIObench: Cold-cache Sequential I/O Benchmark Transcend SSD360S Review with tips on using ATTO and Crystal benchmark tools
    CISJournal: Benchmarking the Performance of Microsoft Hyper-V server, VMware ESXi and Xen Hypervisors (PDF)
    Microsoft TechNet:Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V large-scale VM performance for in-memory transaction processing
    InfoStor: What’s The Best Storage Benchmark?
    StorageIOblog: How to test your HDD, SSD or all flash array (AFA) storage fundamentals
    Via ATTO: Atto V3.05 free storage test tool available
    Via StorageIOblog: Big Files and Lots of Little File Processing and Benchmarking with Vdbench

    Via Which Enterprise Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) to use with a Content Server Platform (White Paper)
    Via VMware Blogs: A Free Storage Performance Testing Tool For Hyperconverged
    Microsoft Technet: Test Storage Spaces Performance Using Synthetic Workloads in Windows Server
    Microsoft Technet: Microsoft Windows Server Storage Spaces – Designing for Performance
    BizTech: 4 Ways to Performance-Test Your New HDD or SSD
    EnterpriseStorageForum: Data Storage Benchmarking Guide How fast can your SSD run backwards?
    OpenStack: How to calculate IOPS for Cinder Storage ?
    StorageAcceleration: Tips for Measuring Your Storage Acceleration

    server storage I/O STI and SUT

    Spiceworks: Determining HDD SSD SSHD IOP Performance
    Spiceworks: Calculating IOPS from Perfmon data
    Spiceworks: profiling IOPs

    vdbench server storage I/O benchmark
    Vdbench example via

    StorageIOblog: What does server storage I/O scaling mean to you?
    StorageIOblog: What is the best kind of IO? The one you do not have to do Collect and report various OS workloads
    Whoishostingthis: Various SQL resources
    StorageAcceleration: What, When, Why & How to Accelerate Storage Various tools and links
    StorageIOblog: Can we get a side of context with them IOPS and other storage metrics?

    flash ssd and hdd

    BrightTalk Webinar: Data Center Monitoring – Metrics that Matter for Effective Management
    StorageIOblog: Enterprise SSHD and Flash SSD Part of an Enterprise Tiered Storage Strategy
    StorageIOblog: Has SSD put Hard Disk Drives (HDD’s) On Endangered Species List?

    server storage I/O bottlenecks and I/O blender

    Microsoft TechNet: Measuring Disk Latency with Windows Performance Monitor (Perfmon)
    Via How to benchmark MongoDB with YCSB? (Perfmon)
    Microsoft MSDN: List of Perfmon counters for sql server
    Microsoft TechNet: Taking Your Server’s Pulse
    StorageIOblog: Part II: How many IOPS can a HDD, HHDD or SSD do with VMware?
    CMG: I/O Performance Issues and Impacts on Time-Sensitive Applications

    flash ssd and hdd

    Virtualization Practice: IO IO it is off to Storage and IO metrics we go
    InfoStor: Is HP Short Stroking for Performance and Capacity Gains?
    StorageIOblog: Is Computer Data Storage Complex? It Depends
    StorageIOblog: More storage and IO metrics that matter
    StorageIOblog: Moving Beyond the Benchmark Brouhaha
    Yellow-Bricks: VSAN VDI Benchmarking and Beta refresh!

    server storage I/O benchmark example

    YellowBricks: VSAN performance: many SAS low capacity VS some SATA high capacity?
    YellowBricsk: VSAN VDI Benchmarking and Beta refresh!
    StorageIOblog: Seagate 1200 12Gbs Enterprise SAS SSD StorgeIO lab review
    StorageIOblog: Part II: Seagate 1200 12Gbs Enterprise SAS SSD StorgeIO lab review
    StorageIOblog: Server Storage I/O Network Benchmark Winter Olympic Games

    flash ssd and hdd

    VMware VDImark aka View Planner (also here, here and here) as well as VMmark here
    StorageIOblog: SPC and Storage Benchmarking Games
    StorageIOblog: Speaking of speeding up business with SSD storage
    StorageIOblog: SSD and Storage System Performance

    Hadoop server storage I/O performance
    Various Server Storage I/O tools in a hadoop environment Benchmarking and Stress Testing an Hadoop Cluster With TeraSort, TestDFSIO
    Virtualization Practice: SSD options for Virtual (and Physical) Environments Part I: Spinning up to speed on SSD
    StorageIOblog: Storage and IO metrics that matter
    InfoStor: Storage Metrics and Measurements That Matter: Getting Started
    SilvertonConsulting: Storage throughput vs. IO response time and why it matters
    Splunk: The percentage of Read / Write utilization to get to 800 IOPS?

    flash ssd and hdd
    Various server storage I/O benchmarking tools

    Spiceworks: What is the best IO IOPs testing tool out there
    StorageIOblog: How many IOPS can a HDD, HHDD or SSD do?
    StorageIOblog: Some Windows Server Storage I/O related commands
    Openmaniak: Iperf overview and Iperf overview
    StorageIOblog: Server and Storage I/O Benchmark Tools: Microsoft Diskspd (Part I and Part II)
    Quest: SQL Server Perfmon Poster (PDF)
    Server and Storage I/O Networking Performance Management (webinar)
    Data Center Monitoring – Metrics that Matter for Effective Management (webinar)
    Flash back to reality – Flash SSD Myths and Realities (Industry trends & benchmarking tips), (MSP CMG presentation)
    DBAstackexchange: How can I determine how many IOPs I need for my AWS RDS database?
    ITToolbox: Benchmarking the Performance of SANs

    server storage IO labs

    StorageIOblog: Dell Inspiron 660 i660, Virtual Server Diamond in the rough (Server review)
    StorageIOblog: Part II: Lenovo TS140 Server and Storage I/O Review (Server review)
    StorageIOblog: DIY converged server software defined storage on a budget using Lenovo TS140
    StorageIOblog: Server storage I/O Intel NUC nick knack notes First impressions (Server review)
    StorageIOblog & ITKE: Storage performance needs availability, availability needs performance
    StorageIOblog: Why SSD based arrays and storage appliances can be a good idea (Part I)
    StorageIOblog: Revisiting RAID storage remains relevant and resources

    Interested in cloud and object storage visit our page, for flash SSD checkout page, along with data protection, RAID, various industry links and more here.

    Additional learning experiences along with common questions (and answers), as well as tips can be found in Software Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials book.

    Software Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials Book SDDC

    What This All Means

    Watch for additional links to be added above in addition to those that appear via comments.

    Ok, nuff said, for now.


    Greg Schulz – Microsoft MVP Cloud and Data Center Management, VMware vExpert 2010-2017 (vSAN and vCloud). Author of Software Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials (CRC Press), as well as Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press), Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier) and twitter @storageio. Courteous comments are welcome for consideration. First published on any reproduction in whole, in part, with changes to content, without source attribution under title or without permission is forbidden.

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