
Microsoft Hyper-V Is Alive Enhanced With Windows Server 2025

Yes, you read that correctly, Microsoft Hyper-V is alive and enhanced with Windows Server 2025, formerly Windows Server v.Next server.…

11 months ago

What records will EMC break in NYC January 18, 2011?

Will EMC get nominated for an Oscar with all of their videos over the past year, or will they be…

14 years ago

What is the Future of Servers?

In general, blade servers will become more ubiquitous, that is they wont go away, rather become more common place with…

15 years ago

Did HP respond to EMC and Cisco VCE with Microsoft HyperV bundle?

Last week EMC and Cisco along with Intel and VMware created the VCE collation and Acadia joint venture, this week…

15 years ago

Should Everything Be Virtualized?

Should everything, that is all servers, storage and I/O along with facilities, be virtualized? The answer not surprisingly should be…

15 years ago

Data Proteciton for Virtual Environments

Server virtualization continues to be a popular industry focus, particularly to discuss IT data center power, cooling, floor space and…

16 years ago