
Poll: Networking Convergence, Ethernet, InfiniBand or both?

What will be the convergence network of choice, InfiniBand, Ethernet, Both or something else?

15 years ago

I/O Virtualization (IOV) Revisited

I/O virtualization has similar benefits of server &storage virtualization. IOV has a focus around I/O and networking connectivity, abstraction and…

15 years ago

Could Huawei buy Brocade?

Disclosure: I have no connection to Huawei. I own no stock in, nor have I worked for Brocade as an…

15 years ago

I/O, I/O, Its off to Virtual Work and VMworld I Go (or went)

Ok, so I should have used that intro last week before heading off to VMworld in San Francisco instead of…

15 years ago

SPC and Storage Benchmarking Games

There is a post over in one of the LinkedIn Discussion forums about storage performance council (SPC) benchmarks being miss-leading…

16 years ago