If you are in the IT industry, and specifically have any interest or tie to data infrastructures from servers, to storage and networking including hardware, software, services not to mention virtualization and clouds, InfoSmack and Storage Monkeys should be on your read or listen list.
Recently I was invited to be a guest on the InfoSmack podcast which is about a 50 some minute talk show format around storage, networking, virtualization and related topics.
The topics discussed include Sun and Oracle from a storage standpoint, Solid State Disk (SSD) among others.
Now, a word of caution, InfoSmack is not your typical prim and proper venue, nor is it a low class trash talking production.
Its fun and informative where the hosts and attendees are not afraid of poking fun at them selves while exploring topics and the story behind the story in a candid non scripted manner.
Check it out.
Cheers – gs
Greg Schulz – StorageIOblog, twitter @storageio Author “The Green and Virtual Data Center” (CRC)