
Announcing My New Book Data Infrastructure Management Insight Strategies

Announcing My New Book Data Infrastructure Management Insight Strategies Announcing my new book Data Infrastructure Management Insight Strategies published via…

6 years ago

PCIe Fundamentals Server Storage I/O Network Essentials

Updated 8/31/19PCIe Fundamentals Server Storage I/O Network Essentials This piece looks at PCIe Fundamentals topics for server, storage, I/O network…

7 years ago

How to write, publish and promote a book or blog

In some ways, writing a book or blog can be the easy part, getting it published and promoted can be…

13 years ago

Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking

Dont be afraid of clouds, however look before you leap, they can mean good weather, likewise for IT they can…

14 years ago

What have I been doing this winter?

What have I been busy working on? Hint, it involves IT cloud, virtualization, servers, storage, networking, backup/data proteciton and more...

14 years ago

Who or what is your sphere of influence?

If you listen to vendors your perceptions will be one thing, if you listen to customers, your perceptions will be…

15 years ago

Thank you Gartner for generating green awareness for my new book: The Green and Virtual Data Center!

The other day Gartner issued a press release about their new findings that Users Are Becoming Increasingly Confused About the…

16 years ago