Following up from a previous appearance, I recently had another opportunity to participate in another Storage Monkeys InfoSmack podcast episode.…
Today SNIA released a press release pertaining to cloud storage timed to coincide with SNW where we can only presume…
Summers is over hear in the northern hemisphere and its back to school time. This coming week I will be…
Late last year , I did a post (see here) countering the notion that there is a lack of innovation…
Did someone forget to send a memo to Dell that magnetic tape is dead, or, perhaps pre-occupied with other activities?…
Data protection for virtual environments including protecting virtual servers and virtual storage as well as using virtualization techniques to protect…
Here are links to several recent and upcoming Webcast and video casts covering a wide range of topics. Some of…
Here's a link to a new tip I wrote that is posted over at SearchSMBStorage on Capacity Planning and energy…
The de-dupe vendors like to debate details of their solutions, ranging from compression or de-dupe ratios, to hashing and caching…