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The StorageIO industry links page has been updated with over thousand different industry related companies, vendors, vars, trade groups, part and solution suppliers along with cloud and managed service providers. The common theme with these industry links is information and data infrastructures which means severs, storage, IO and networking, hardware, software, applications and tools, services, products and related items for traditional, virtual and cloud environments.
The industry links page is accessed from the StorageIO main web page via the Tools and Links menu tab, or via the URL An example of the StorageIO industry links page is shown below with six different menu tabs in alphabetical order.
Know of a company, service or organization that is not listed on the links page, if so, send an email note to info at If your company or organization is listed, contact StorageIO to discuss how to expand your presence on the links page and other related options.
Visit the updated StorageIO industry links page and watch for more updates, and click here to learn more about the links page.
Ok, nuff said (for now)
Greg Schulz – Author Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC Press), The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC Press) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier)
twitter @storageio
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