Mainframe, CMG, Virtualization, Storage and “Zombie Technologies”

17 years ago

In case you missed the news, IBM today announced a new mainframe the z10, yes, that's right, the mother of…

IBM Mainframe part Deux!

17 years ago

Couple more thoughts and comments regarding todays earlier post on the mainframe and that has to do with mainframe experience…

Continuing Education and Refresher Time (RAID and LUNs)

17 years ago

TechTarget is currently running a refresher and primer series on RAID technology at combining several tips pertaining to RAID…

Updated Look and Feel

17 years ago

This blog is a work in progress and consequently there will be changes, hopefully for the better as this journey…

Sherwood becomes Atrato

17 years ago

If you had heard of Sherwood based in the Denver area in the past and saw the PR about Atrato…

Director Dinner Discussions of the SAN kind

17 years ago

The other night I had the opportunity to meet up for a quick dinner while traveling with some folks I…

Snow Birds

17 years ago

Don?t ask me why, maybe it was flying through Detroit or Chicago weaving between snowstorms the other day enroute to…

Politics and Storage, or, storage in an election year V2.008

17 years ago

One of the disadvantages of travel, particularly air travel today is time spent waiting, however, instead of worrying about lost…

Was today the proverbal day that he!! froze over?

17 years ago

The upper Midwest, well, make that the Midwest in general was hit by high winds and a nasty cold front…

Green Data Storage and Server I/O Topics

18 years ago

Are you currently encountering or do you forsee in the future?a problem regarding "Green" environmental or power and cooling issues…