Moving Beyond the Benchmark Brouhaha

17 years ago

Heres a Link to a new article/column/opinion piece over at Enterprise Storage Forum by me about "Moving Beyond the Benchmark…

Beware of Announcements on April 1st!!!

17 years ago

Normally what is understood shouldn?t have to be discussed, however, sometimes a reminder is in order particularly with April 1st…

SPAM of a Different Kind – Introducing SPAM Man V2.008

17 years ago

Recently a good friend who happens to be involved in the data storage and I/O connectivity marketplace turned 50. So…


17 years ago

In case you did not catch it, NetApp (formerly officially known as Network Appliance) who has been known in the…

Geek Gadgets: Kill A Watt Meter

17 years ago

For the geek who has or thinks they have all the newest and greatest toys and gadgets add this Kill…

Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the greenest of them all?

17 years ago

GreenerComputing has an article covering Greener Electronics and specfricaly the current Greenpeace ranking of consumer oritited electronic products Any surprises?…

Chargeback for storage

17 years ago

TechTarget SearchStorage recently put out a piece on chargeback for storage that includes some commentary by myself on the topic…

Trains Going “Green”, ah, well, maybe “Blue”…

17 years ago

With all of the global focus on going green, saving the planet, green IT and green storage all of which…

Many different Implementations of RAID

17 years ago

Processor Magazine has a new article looking at different flavors and implementations of RAID technology called Moving Toward Software-Based RAID:…

Updated Look and Feel part Deux

17 years ago

This site continues to evolve as does the look and feel per previous post and there may be more changes…

IBM speed of light energy saving or speed of light green marketing?

17 years ago

IBM researchers have announced a new technique to achieve a new means of data transmission with speeds of up to…