Data Proteciton for Virtual Environments at VMware VMworld

16 years ago

Data protection for virtual environments including protecting virtual servers and virtual storage as well as using virtualization techniques to protect…

Thank you Gartner for generating green awareness for my new book: The Green and Virtual Data Center!

16 years ago

The other day Gartner issued a press release about their new findings that Users Are Becoming Increasingly Confused About the…

Optical Storage Oppourtunities or Obsolence?

17 years ago

Is Optical Storage still relevant? Here's a piece Alan Earls did for TechTarget on the subject. I agree with that…

Green Hype or Reality?

17 years ago

Preston Gralla has a new post that brings up some interesting discussion about Green Hype and Reality for IT. Have…

Summer Dog Days

17 years ago

I can tell it's near the end of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, its hot and humid outside or…

Data Proteciton for Virtual Environments

17 years ago

Server virtualization continues to be a popular industry focus, particularly to discuss IT data center power, cooling, floor space and…

Brocade to Buy Foundry Networks – Prelude to Upcoming Converged Ethernet and FCoE Battle

17 years ago

The emerging and maturing Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) and Converged Ethernet, aka Data Center Ethernet, Converged Enhanced Ethernet, Enterprise…