Green IT Confusion Continues, Opportunities Missed!

16 years ago

I continue to see those looking for fast silver bullets in the quest to be green, efficient, optimized or sustainable while…

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the greenest of them all?

16 years ago

If you subscribe to the notion that Green IT is all about carbon footprints, you may be missing out on…

All work and no play? Ok, how about an education half day?

16 years ago

This past week in between keynote talks and moderating panel discussions pertaining to IT infrastructure optimization (server, storage, networks, hardware,…

SPC and Storage Benchmarking Games

16 years ago

There is a post over in one of the LinkedIn Discussion forums about storage performance council (SPC) benchmarks being miss-leading…

Big Fish and Small Fish – Fish story or the one that did not get away?

16 years ago

Its been a very busy year and we are not quite half way through 2009 yet. For those who follow…

Funeral for a Friend

16 years ago

Spring is not supposed to be a time for send offs, after all, its supposed to be the time when…

Introducing US HR2454 – Waxman-Markey Climate Bill

16 years ago

US HR2454 - Waxman-Markey Climate Bill In case you have not heard yet... On a related note to a recent…

Catch of the day or post of the day!

16 years ago

Ok, I know, its been a couple of weeks since my last post. Sure I have been tweeting now and…

Visit my new Amazon authors page

16 years ago

In addition to my books The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC) and Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier) being on Amazon,…