Blame IT on the UN in NYC this week

15 years ago

This week is UN week in NYC, that annual fall event that results in traffic jams that make normal traffic…

Happy Labor Day V2.009

16 years ago

Im spending a little bit of time this morning working on a few things before taking the balance of the…

Data Center I/O Bottlenecks Performance Issues and Impacts

16 years ago

This is an excerpt blog version of the popular Server and StorageIO Group white paper "IT Data Center and Data…

I/O, I/O, Its off to Virtual Work and VMworld I Go (or went)

16 years ago

Ok, so I should have used that intro last week before heading off to VMworld in San Francisco instead of…

Out and about update, Off to VMworld next week

16 years ago

For those that consider summer to be over after the labor day weekend in the northern hemisphere, well, then summer…

Buzzword Bingo 1.0 – Are you ready for fall product announcemnts?

16 years ago

Ever play IT buzzword bingo or perhaps you have and not realized it? Anyone can play, its easy and you…

Blog Roll Déjà Vu and Storage Monkeys

16 years ago

Ever have blog roll Déjà Vu? If not, go visit various blogs and look at the blog rolls. While some…