This post is a collection of various odds and ends, news and updates as Im getting caught up on some things.

Here’s a link to the first of what will be a series of up-coming short articles appearing at Byte and Switch related to my new book "The Green and Virtual Data Center" (CRC). The first installment appeared recently and is titled "Green IT & the Green Gap" and the theme of the installment is that in going green, you enable a business to grow, diversify, and expand its use of IT, all of which have economic benefits. Learn more about the green gap here.

Also over at Byte and Switch, Paul Travis recently did an article "Going Green & the Economic Downturn" that takes a look the shifting green focus to that around economic and cost cutting opportunities during current finical turmoil. Also on the Green front, Drew Robb has an interesting article talking about server and IT data center "Green IT Myths vs. Realities" appearing in ServerWatch. Another new green and economic sustainability for IT data center article can be found over at Greener Computing with a link here. While on the topic of my new book, writer and blogger, Heather Clancy has some comments about "The Green and Virtual Data Center" (CRC) over at ZDNET. Dave Simpson of InfoStor fame has a blog post as well that mentions my new book, check it out here. Also, check out this posting over at Datacenterlinks blogsite as well as a post over at Green Data Center blog site.

Meanwhile inventory and book availability continue to improve at and other venues around the world as back-logs from pre-orders and initial book sales resulted in some sell-out or initial limited availability. My publisher CRC informs me that plenty of books are flowing out and into the distribution supply chain to meet risking demand including bulk and special promotional and educational sales. Thanks to all of you have obtained copies of my new book, drop me a note with your comments and feedback when you get a chance. Also watch for additional book news, reviews, reports and other programs to be announced over the coming weeks.

For addressing data center bottlenecks, on the tiered storage and Solid State Device (SSD) front, that’s for both RAM and FLASH based, here’s an article over at worth a look at. Here are a couple of other recent articles over at addressing small form factor servers and refurbished servers, as well as freeing up data center space. Steve Kovosky has an interesting blog post over at Virtualization Conversation about Virtualization: Life Beyond Consolidation building on a previous blog posting I did a few weeks back pertaining to server and storage virtualization trends and directions. Here’s a recent article by Paul Shread over at Enterprise Storage Forum about T10 Object Storage Devices (OSD) and their current status or lack of progress including Sun’s shifting focus.

Speaking of data protection for physical and virtual environments, tape, data protection management, monitoring and managing IT resource effectiveness not to mention stretching your IT budget dollar, here’s a link to an article over at CTR in which yours truly provides some commentary. Also on the data protection theme, Walaika Haskins over at TechNewsWorld has a good article about "Figuring Out the Best Way to Stash Your Data". Data dedupe continues to be a popular topic for discussion and Cindy Waxer recently wrote an article appearing at Inc. Technology pertaining to Dedupe and Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continence (BC). Also on the dedupe front, here’s a industry trends and perspective solutions brief over on the EMC site pertaining to policy based data dedupe deployment (don’t worry, its not a data dedupe debate document, however I suppose some of the Drs’ and Divas’ of Dedupe may see it that way which will give them something to debate ;) ) with a focus around when to use which type or mode of dedupe processing to meet different applications requirements (may require registration, however its free, the document that is).

Learn more about the above and other related topics at the StorageIO In the news, tips, events and Industry Trends White Paper as well as Books and Blog pages.

Cheers – gs

Technorati tags: Trends


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