Despite industry myths that large enterprise storage systems are dead, EMC has announced an upgrade, refresh or new version of…
Last week Imation, the company that is known for making CDs, DVDs, magnetic tape and in the past floppy disk…
In order to gain confidence in clouds, some questions that I routinely am asked include are clouds more or less…
In case you missed it, there were some public cloud outages during the recent Christmas 2012-holiday season. One incident involved…
Welcome to the December 2012 year end edition of the StorageIO Update news letter including a new format and additional…
As I do at all events, I invite attendees to feel free to follow-up via email, twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ or…
Well its now afternoon which means the early Monday morning December 3rd embargos have been lifted so I can now…
Ceph is used for deploying object storage, cloud storage and managed services, general purpose storage for research, commercial, scientific, high…
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks (A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement) is a book written Eric Redmond…
Do you know the computer technology saying, garbage data in results in garbage information out? In other words even with…