Yesterday I made a quick trip down to San Antonio Texas (SAT) to do a keynote talk about "BC/DR and…
The TechTarget Storage Media Group has posted on Bitpipe the session presentations from the recent fall (November 17-19th) 2008 San Francisco…
Did someone forget to send a memo to Dell that magnetic tape is dead, or, perhaps pre-occupied with other activities?…
Here's a link to a new article over at Enterprise Storage Forum titled "The Changing Role of Tape" for those…
This past week I was in New York City (NYC) presenting at the IT professionals (e.g. customer) focused Storage Decisions…
The busy 2008 fall events activities continue, last week was New Orleans at Arnauds and Chicago at Morton's where the…
Data protection for virtual environments including protecting virtual servers and virtual storage as well as using virtualization techniques to protect…
Here's a new article I wrote that just appeared over at Enterprise Storage Forum called Closing the Green Storage Gap.…
Here are links to several recent and upcoming Webcast and video casts covering a wide range of topics. Some of…
Here's a link to a new tip I wrote that is posted over at SearchSMBStorage on Capacity Planning and energy…