Here's a new article I wrote that just appeared over at Enterprise Storage Forum called Closing the Green Storage Gap.…
Here are links to several recent and upcoming Webcast and video casts covering a wide range of topics. Some of…
How about those opening 2008 Beijing Olympic ceremonies on NBC last night? If you were like me, I had my…
Here's a link to a new tip I wrote that is posted over at SearchSMBStorage on Capacity Planning and energy…
Server virtualization continues to be a popular industry focus, particularly to discuss IT data center power, cooling, floor space and…
The emerging and maturing Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) and Converged Ethernet, aka Data Center Ethernet, Converged Enhanced Ethernet, Enterprise…
The de-dupe vendors like to debate details of their solutions, ranging from compression or de-dupe ratios, to hashing and caching…
Over the past couple of weeks I have talked with many IT professionals who work in IT data centers of…
The Metrics and Measurement page on has been updated along with other pages covering IT data center PCFE and…
Here's a link to a new StorageIO Industry Trends and Perspective on the emerging "Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) technology".…