Is vendor lockin or stickiness a bad thing? No, not necessarily, particularly if you the customer are aware and still…
The approach of declaring something dead tends to play well for those who like shiny new toys (SNT) or new…
Does your provider offer some form of service level objectives (SLO)?
Now if you are part of the HDS FAN, SAN, LAN, MAN or WAN bandwagon, MVSP could mean Most Valuable…
I spent a few days in San Francisco attending the VMworld 2010 event which included a Wednesday evening concert with…
Welcome to the August 2010 edition of the Server and StorageIO Group (StorageIO) newsletter.
Listen in during this Infosmack exclusive podcast interview with 3PAR CEO David Scott while the HP and Dell bids continue…
Leverage, feed and stimulate that gray matter between your ears and Im not talking about your hair while relaxing as…
Leveraging Hybrid Hard Disk Drives (HHDD) combining flash SSD and a 500GB disk drive enabling storage I/O control of growing…
Out and about update, places and things seen as well as heard during first half of 2010.