
StorageIO debuts at 79 in Technobabble top 400 analyst list

One of only a couple of Storage analysts in top 100, StorageIO debuts at number 79 in technobabble top 400…

15 years ago

ILM = Has It Losts its Meaning

Remember ILM, that is, Information Lifecycle Management among other meanings? It was a popular buzzword de jour a few years…

15 years ago

Going Rouge or Rogue in IT

Going Rouge, how long until we see the term or phrase used in IT? Here are some examples of what…

15 years ago

The function of XaaS(X) – Pick a letter

Remember the xSP era where X was I for ISP (Internet Service Provider) or M for Managed Service Provider (MSP)…

15 years ago

StorageIO aka Greg Schulz appears on Infosmack

If you are in the IT industry, and specifically have any interest or tie to data infrastructures from servers, to…

15 years ago

Blame IT on the UN in NYC this week

This week is UN week in NYC, that annual fall event that results in traffic jams that make normal traffic…

15 years ago

Happy Labor Day V2.009

Im spending a little bit of time this morning working on a few things before taking the balance of the…

16 years ago

Out and about update, Off to VMworld next week

For those that consider summer to be over after the labor day weekend in the northern hemisphere, well, then summer…

16 years ago

Buzzword Bingo 1.0 – Are you ready for fall product announcemnts?

Ever play IT buzzword bingo or perhaps you have and not realized it? Anyone can play, its easy and you…

16 years ago

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the greenest of them all?

If you subscribe to the notion that Green IT is all about carbon footprints, you may be missing out on…

16 years ago