
Data Proteciton for Virtual Environments

Server virtualization continues to be a popular industry focus, particularly to discuss IT data center power, cooling, floor space and…

17 years ago

The Differences Between Singapore and Houston in May

In addition to participating at the Techtarget (TT) spring 2008 edition of Storage Decisions (SD) event in Chicago this past…

17 years ago

Spring 2008 Storage Descisions Wrap-Up

Once again the Techtarget (TT) folks put on a great event at the spring 2008 edition of Storage Decisions (SD)…

17 years ago

Hot Storage Topics Converge on Chicago Next Week

Next week in Chicago (May 12th) at Storage Strategies, the event for channel professional held the evening before StorageDecisions I…

17 years ago

More on Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)

Here's a link to a new StorageIO Industry Trends and Perspective on the emerging "Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) technology".…

17 years ago

Many different Implementations of RAID

Processor Magazine has a new article looking at different flavors and implementations of RAID technology called Moving Toward Software-Based RAID:…

17 years ago

IBM Mainframe part Deux!

Couple more thoughts and comments regarding todays earlier post on the mainframe and that has to do with mainframe experience…

17 years ago

Continuing Education and Refresher Time (RAID and LUNs)

TechTarget is currently running a refresher and primer series on RAID technology at combining several tips pertaining to RAID…

17 years ago