R U (e.g. Are you) JASSD about JACD or do you have a case of JAID and JACBUS?

Will RAID RAIN on your cloud parade?

For those who like to keep up on buzzwords (for buzzword bingo) and acronyms, perhaps even FTW (e.g. For the Win), here are some old and new, fun and real ones to ponder.

As to which are real or new, fun or old, I will leave that up to you.

  • BD = Business Development or Big Data or Backup Device
  • CEO = Chief Evangelist Officer or Change Everything Often
  • CJO = Chief Jailable Officer or anyone who is a legal Chief of a company
  • CMO = Creative Movie Officer or Chief Marketing Officer (same thing)
  • CNOC = Cloud network operations center
  • CPOP = Cloud point of presence aka cloud gateway, cloud appliance, cloud middle ware, cloud shims
  • DC = Direct Current or Diet Coke or Data Center
  • DTDS+ = Disaster Tolerant Disk Subsystem (Plus)
  • EMC = Entertaining Movie Creations
  • HP = Has printers and PCs
  • IBM = Itty Bitty Machine company or I Buy Mainframes
  • iHop = International House of pancakes or iPhone bouncing on floor
  • JACBUS = Just Another Cloud Backup Service
  • JACD = Just Another Cloud Device
  • JAFD = Just Another Flash Device
  • JAiD = Just Another iSCSI Device or Just Another iProduct Device
  • JAM = Producer of Tree size SRM tools or a U.S. concert promoter
  • JASSD = Just Another SSD
  • MIA = Missing In Action or airport code for Miami International Airport
  • MSP = My Storage Please or Minneapolis St. Paul Airport code
  • NetApp = Neat effective technology And product portfolio
  • PIROMA = Ask someone you know who has been in capacity planning
  • RAID = Redundant Array of Independent Disks or bug spray
  • RAIN = Redundant Array of Independent Nodes or something that falls from the clouds
  • RPD = Revenue prevention department: Groups, entities or management layers that get in the way of getting results done
  • Truth Squads = Teams representing various vendors or organizations that try to get you to see things their way
  • WATN = Where Are They Now: Former vendors or service providers that are now MIA
  • XaaS = Plug in what ever you like for X as a Service

Ok, nuff said and fun for now


Greg Schulz – Author The Green and Virtual Data Center (CRC), Resilient Storage Networks (Elsevier) and coming summer 2011 Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking (CRC)
twitter @storageio

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